Blog Archive

Sunday, January 31, 2016

I worry about my future

I worry About my future. Because it hasnt unfold, yet time tells all is what i`m told. I get sick worrying day after day what may happen that day. Worried about my future is what i normally do. From Getting good grades to what i want to do. Truth be told i dont know what to do. I simply dont know what  i want to do. I worry about what classes i am going to take. Is it right for me? What can i do now that may help get me further more. Moneitizing you tube i have held off. Fearful of what others think is something to me that is normal. How do i make money without charging to much? Oh what to do, oh what to do. What should i do. Slowly and quietly thinking if ways to earn money, need it to help out. So what should i do if i cant. I dont think im good enough. I`ve been on deviant art longer and i thought i produced good art. when i look at others i realise im not the best i can be. Though i can draw quickly, i dont seem to be good enough to stand with them. Their more artistic and much better than i am. Though i smile. when im alone i cry, because to me my future looks a little bit grim. Guess music`s been my hobby and i like it very well. I calm my self down and count what i can do. I`m running out of space, i`m running out of room. Gotta sell some stuff away, gotta make some extra dough. Try to do comissions though no one will come. I wind up doing comissions for free. Try making a game, while i`m good at that. The game plots and twist i`m not very good at that. It`ll suck i know it will, better make the game free because i suck at it. The plan for a server seems so far away, it probably wont happen but even if so. Who would pay to play it though? It has no pvp it stands by itself. It sorta like sims with outerspace as well. I only won a contest once and it was when i was younger and they wanted me to pay so i could get my thousand dollars. All so i could afford to give it to my mom for her transplant. Sadly i found out it was a scam. Doing crafts with my mom might just work but it wont be long until she winds up being gone. Patreons been open for oh so long no one will donate to me. I need the money bad. The cotton candy business might just work but how long can i keep it up until i begin to show my laziness and just fail. Should i get a job? I dont think it will work out then again i might get a job. It may be to hard, to easy or i might just fail along. Maybe i can make that app with my dad i wanted to. I could make ringtones and make parodies and sell it on itunes, but would it be good enough and if so who would buy? I could sell old drawlings but who would want thoose little old things i keep in a box. I could do a bakery sell, but i `d probably wind up selling nothing or making food that fell apart. I could make a mod but theres no money in that and everyone`s done something cool so there`s no ideas left. I could use adsense and make money off the blog though i still have to wait till july to use it finally. but would you all come here and look at my blog with all of thoose ads. I suck at everything i do.Loosing my hope, slowly giving up. I Start Slipping into depression and making myself sad i click on a video. With a Sound and a light pops on hope slowly comes back And All through the video with ups and downs. Cussing people who are laughing all around. I smile as i start to get back up. Remembering a old thing once sung. Dont Loose Hope! Your life makes a difference whether you know it or not. Dont give up! Keep fighting on. Whats the point? The point is its your life and you make the choice. Easy or difficult your life is up to you. Dont let others walk all over you. Go make a difference and keep growing huge. Your heart is big enough to keep marching on. If you fall down just get back up. And remember practice makes perfect so dont ever give up~!
Hey guys hope you liked the lyrics of "I worry about my future" I did hand write. No parody currently doesnt have actual music.

2 months away till spring break

2 months is to long.

Ok so i was thinking

Hey guys its princessprt. Anyway i was thinking about who i should invite. Anyway heres what i got. So far most people will wind up starting in a hotel. There they can buy a plot of land from 3 by 3 to 16 by 16 blocks. You can combine plots together if your living with 1 or more people. On different planets you can only live in hotels that have been premade. I`ll draw out what it`ll look like. Everyone gets a room with a bathroom. Each space station on a planet or in between will have a hotel. Also might need to invite Yogcast to come help build the server. So ya bye!

Valentines day plans?

Hey guys whats up this is princessprt almost 2 weeks or exactly two weeks till valentines day. Or in my case single`s awareness day. It seems all through highschool i will be single. Kinda glad because i dont really like any boys at school....the boy i still have a crush on moved. Whats sad it that i didnt realise i had a crush on him. Ok so he was my minecraft friend and we use to play minecraft together. We talked about mods and minecraft all day. We both go to band...We use to hang out together at band competitons. He is a grade below me. So we exchanged emails as well. Well this other girl got a crush on him and at the last band competition i realised i had a crush on him. So whats so bad is i like to stall. So i asked him if i could talk to him when he was busy talking to this girl who had a crush on him. I was lilterally going to ask him out. Let me clear this up..I have no clue who the girl is and i still dont. So i didnt know she liked him. She then asked him if he would be her girl friend. He said yes because he apparently liked her back. after they were done he asked me what  i wanted to talk about so i started talking with him about how compatible pixelmon is to super minecraft heros and how to make the two work together. So after a couple weeks their relationship was getting rocky. How could i tell? She was bossing him around, they were hanging out less and less. Anyway i walked up to her because hey if the guy i like likes another person i aint gonna get in the way if its true love. She was talking shit about him. I walked through the doors infront of them and my backpack got caught in a piece of the door frame that bothered everyone but the school didnt fix. I was so mad i bent it to where it wouldnt bother anyone with my backpack strap and my backpack didnt tear. I stopped to see what the loud noise was. Everyone who saw and/or heard froze and looked at me. I heard a few wows but i walked on like NOPE! because i was still pissed and i didnt want to get in trouble. I walk in and wait for him. We all normally sit together everyday. He sends me a gmail chat after school. I open it and he talks to me about our normal minecraft chat. Then out of the blue he says hey you know my relationship with my GF. I reply you mean your girlfriend? He says yea that one. I reply hey i need to tell you something. He lets me know he is moving and he doesnt thing their relationship will reach that long. He didnt give her his email so he doesnt want me to. So i reply ok! I dont tell him that she was talking shit about him. Also she apparently was dating another as well. So i still have a crush on him. During the summer i couldnt talk to him i wrote him a gmail chat that said hey {Insert Friend`s Name} i love you. I wish we were more then Friends but im  afraid im going to fast or to slow. i then sent him some band updates and other updates. Sadly when he replied he didnt see the gmail chat that i sent saying i had a crush on him. I thought about sending him a email. I dont know much about whats going on where he is...he keeps forgetting to check his gmail. So yep singles awareness day. Thought about asking my crush if he would be my valentine. ...wait what if he reads this? Oh well i dont know.


Wow so uh...Oh ya HI guys This is Princessprt. So um a sort of accident occured. So the washing machine and the dish washer both leak water when ever they are going. So uh when i was taking my shower i accidentally knocked over a bottle of shampoo. I was half asleep and when i woke up. The shampoo was spilled. Partially on the rugs and partially on the floors. So uh first thing me and my mom did was pick up the shampoo bottle put it back. Then we put a towel on it. When we came back about 6 hours later most of it was up, except a bit still on the floor and the bit on the rug. So i cleaned the bit on the floor and she cleaned the rugs. I cleaned the area with paper towels first. I want to get at it with swifter sadly i ran out of swifter pads. My mom bought a off-brand or we cant afford them right now, we can afford it later when we get payed which is in  3 days. Anyway so she threw the rugs in there. Heres the funny part. My mom put detergint for the washing machine into it while the rugs still had shampoo on them. So when it got done the washing machien had bubbles every where in it. So we wound up having to rinse it twice, right now on its 1st wash but its sort of hilarious. Either way heres a cleaning tip if you get shampoo on any piece of cloth and put it in the washing machine, If you done rinse/wash the soap out before you add detergint, except bubbles and having to wash it twice.


hey guys its princessprt. My mom is setting up a paypal. Anyway so heres what might be happening. Since i started in the middle of january with this blog it`ll be 6-7months till i can actually use Adsense. So it`ll be july-june before i can use adsense. Also To quto that dracula movie...Blah Blah Blah!

City Con

So chatta-con is around the corner.
My friend i plan on recording with works there.
My other friends Go there with cosplays.
Sadly i cant go...I keep forgetting when chatta-con is. I have no cosplay costumes except my grim reaper cosplay. I am broke. Its VERY Expensive. Tickets are $150 last i checked.