Blog Archive

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

hey guys

hey guys its princessprt here and this is a random update update post. anyway school got canceled today praying for tomorrows cancelling to. I have a tone of make up work to do now. Hold on i gotta go count of my calender. i have 36 duolingo acitivites to do for my spanish class. i need to do 2 figures for my computer drafting 2 class. Need to study more in the fudge do you study in math besides doing problems. (may need math tutoring) i nearly threw up...also nearly threw up out my nose. right now taking a break and all. my, My Little Pixelmon server is a failure. i wanted to invite several youtubers when it was done and i actually got a cool ideal of how its suppose to be designed for a show. 4 months till summer...less than a month till end of quarter...i think i need to do as many duolingo activities as possible. So heres my plan. For Duolingo, i will do 2 per day during the week and 2 during the weekend, i should be able to make it up in no time! Not only that but once i have free time during 5th block i will be working on the figure. Also i want to try and make a minecraft server. Also gonna go learn how to instal plugins. Also school...delayed two hours. I have a party in spanish i really actually want to go to. Spanish class parties are cool activities. first one was making a business of a restraunt. We all agreed on bamboo cups and sort of island styled restraunt, dont know why but we all agreed to it. Out of random talk so bye!!!

hey guys

Hi guys its me princessprt. School is canceled. i watched videos and music. Also played Wynncraft.
Heres the plan of attack. i plan on making a pixelmon map for my, my little pixelmon. I realised it would be best to have it like a trials thing before it becomes a public server. I am trying to make it work on a computer with only 30 gb. And.... (computer is slow and i cant tell. also lagging and possibly crashing)