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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Ok so this almost happened today.

Hey guys princessprt here and today I almost got into a car accident with an 18 wheeler truck. So I was being driven to school by my papal. Because i still haven`t gotten my license yet. So anyway We`re waiting at the left turn intersection lane to turn into the college`s entrance. Fun fact about this road is its a 4 lane road one going east and one going west not including the 2 turning lanes 3 of which turn into the college entrance while the other turns into the road across from it. So we`re waiting their and see this big truck start coming to the light. So fun fact due to the fact alot of my family memebers point out the 18 wheelers i kinda know when they are going to fast to stop. As she comes closer i start to be able to see her face. I will tell you this much its not reassuring when the driver of a 18 wheeler truck slowly has panic growing on her face. She manages to stop before she gets close enough to hit but she stops in the middle of the intersection. Everyone in the intersection did not wanna move or drive off until she was done turning and then everything was fine. Well not really so If you guys didnt know i went to safe driving school. Papal was taught to drive by family. The reason i brought this up is because right after she got through turning my papal and i got into an arguement about who had the right of way. Its an 18 wheeler truck with huge blind spots. If the turn is to sharp it will fall over or jack knife or something. I don`t know i don`t drive 18 wheeler trucks. Ok so basically In class cars are 300 ton death machines. 18 wheelers are bigger, weigh more, they have two parts, the 2nd part can disconnect from the 1st part if somethign bad happens. So for the love of many things, They have the right of weigh. My papal disagrees. So heres a fun fact for you guys which warning this has turned into a rant. Licenses are based on vehicles. If you want to drive a new vehicle then you have to retake the driver`s test for that specific license. These lines are based on multiple things. Motorcycles and Car licenses are specifically named licenses but basically the difference between both of them is the number of wheels. Motorcycle is 2-3 wheels while cars are 4. If a motorcycle has 4 wheels you need the car licenses. So please do not fight another car on the highway or on the road. Whether it be a 18 wheeler to a motorcycle. Licenses are also mainly based on the vehicle`s weight. So please be nice to other drivers. anyway guys i will see you in the next video!