Blog Archive

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Ghost Motel Series

List 1-11
Try and get each and every acheivement, you`ll be able to call youself the achiever. 

Hae Min Lee

Name: Hae Min Lee
Age: 17
Senior at Woodland High School
Disappeared from January 13,1999 to February 9,1999. Which was 27 days.
Her Body was found 127 feet from Franklintown Road Next to A Bottle with Unknown contents, Rope of unknown length, Feathers of a unknown type of a unknown bird.
Worked at Lens Crafter In Ownings Mill mall.
Adnan called Hae`s House at midnight twice, 34 minutes apart.
Didnt pick up Cousins at 3:15
Current Boyfriend was murdered was Don
Ex-Boyfriend was Adnan
Murder: ???
Killed by being strangled.

English teacher and Serial Podcast Season 1

Hey guys princessprt here and anyway so problem in english came up. I thought we were gonna play investigators but no we are playing jury. I decided to ask my mom who has been on a jury before about the case. Let me explain the task, In english class we were listening and looking at evidence about the case. However i dont think we`re looking at this right. I thought about talking my teacher to let us play as a court with her and her assitant as judge and that other person. 1 student play as defense, 1 plays as offense. The rest play as jury. Problem is that almost half the class is bias on it and claim Adnan is guilty. When playing as a jury you keep you thoughts to yourself and discuss with others to reach a conclusion. So i reviewed the case over and over again,....Problem is that it isnt adding up. Jay`s Story isnt matching the cellphone call log, Theres to much evidence missing, Its jay`s word against Adnan`s, theres just so much missing, it gives me a reason to doubt. In most cases when i look at a arguement if its accusing someone, i look at it as the defendant being the cat in Schrodinger`s cat box theory, where the cat is both dead and alive, But in this case the defendant is innocent and guilty at the same time. The problem i have with this case is that the state is already bias in the favor of jay`s word which means it isnt a fair trial. I would like to point out some evidence that should be considered useless.
Jenn and Chris`s statement is based on jays word and his reputation for not lying.
Lets start with the obvious one. Chris`s statement said that jay said adnan threatened to hurt stephanie. If it happened wouldnt jay mention it in his story? Also when did jay tell chris this piece of information. So Either Chris is lying about this or jay isnt telling the truth. Now Cathy, Cathy didnt know adnan but thought he acted strange, If she never met him how would she know?
Now before you all say there would have been resistance. She was found with rope, Bottle and feathers. Feathers are more than likely birds that live in the area. Could she have been knocked out with the content of the bottle and tied to resist resistance and strangled.
Now In the class im gonna bring up a post. Adnan showed sara(investigator) 2 charts. The price of teat at 7-11 and at C-mart. Now Heres the thing, The price of tea at 7-11 has small clear marks but the numbers go up by 20 cents. The Price of tea at C-Mart has Dark deep lines but it goes up by small numbers. The price of tea at 7-11 and C-Mart is the exact Same. Thoose who think he is guilty are looking at the C-mart chart and saying that 7-11 is cheaper. The info is the same but the persecptive is different.
 I`ll be posting posts of each character but i`ll be posting a timeline of what i think has happened. But with the pieces missing it, There is reasonably doubt, so i have to say because of that doubt that adnan is NOT Guilty.

Zombie Society

A Motion Comic Game
Go in order because stuff you choose in episode 1 will affect choices in episode 2 and 3.
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3

Lord Pixelmon

Ok so i`m calling this the pixelmon challenge.
I will be putting a mod out so you can do this alot cooler. Anyway so using a modpack you are in pixelmon.
Your job is to first find a spot to start your village. Make sure your village comes along nicely and make sure to build different things. Your job is to rule over this village and make good choices otherwise bad mistakes. Stakes will be high and low but you dont know whats ahead. Good luck.