Blog Archive

Monday, February 15, 2016


Hey guys whats up, Its princessprt here and thanks for a month of almost 400 pageviews!
Watching doctor who episode 1 with rose tyler. So yep...and he JUST talked about the transmitter. And rose reveals she was part of the gymnastic squad. Also...apparently i WAS in a gymnastic class in daycare. wow...GG.

Hey guys whats up Princessprt here! heres a comment idea i posted on captin sparkles channel.

Hey cap. Doubt you`l read this idea or even use it. Why not have season 3. The heroes return to the world, but they sort of forget their whole adventure and everything. The priest tries to get ya`ll back together to battle the evils of the world. You wind up doing a boss battle together using weapons and armor that the priest had in storage which turns out to be your old armor. The group passes out and when they come to they remember everything that happened. Even the new life they made for themselves when they forgot.....thats all i got....Anyway also my actual youtuber channel is princessprt. Hope you have a great day and thanks for being a awesome youtuber!
Truth be told i doubt he will see it or even use the idea. Anyway so.....Yea still depressed. we plan on watching doctor who at dinner time. Is it bad to say i miss school? School keeps me busy and keeps me near my friends...who are all moving away right after high school....NexusTheBrony still hasnt talked to me yet....hope he is ok.....Days like these when almost nothing happens when im bored and left alone with my thoughts....i dont like them....reason because i think of alot of stuff....did i mention i dont actually look forward to summer.....reason why is because during the summer i loose all contact with my friends....I feel so....alone....whats bad is that the situation at my house is like that cat in the box with the posion where the cat is dead yet alive. But its we`re moving and not moving at the same time. My laptop/pc broke so i cant game or record till its fixed. I`m editing the server pack im making which i`ll upload onto here through a post....Still plan on making a better youtube banner. Well....i got some stuff to go do......Doing some chores....put in a dvd.....Pack up my room....Pop some popcorn....Go make refreshments.....and all that....hey google plus has over 13 thousand page views...thats cool...anyway thanks guys! See ya`ll later!

Loot Crate!!!

Hey guys Whats up? Anyway its princessprt here and today we are talking in this post about loot crate.  Also i found out that i have 9 more months till i can use adsense on here. Anyway so heres the deal it`ll be awhile before my laptop/pc i use to record games on and edit them on is fixed. So yea. Anyway loot crate. Has cool items. Wish i could get it. The one year plan is very cheap considering the items. So yea. Go check it out. Sorry i cant talk much about it but uh i never got it but i`ve seen some of the items they put in it from videos its cool!. Go check it out

Features i would like added to Yandere Simulator please.

Hey guys whats up! its princessprt here. Anyway so i decided this post would be about what features i would like to have added.
I think being able to build a bomb in yandere simulator might be cool. Like if you leave a note about a gift to someone from someone else. You can bomb that person.
Also i think there should be a sort of like feature where you have to summon a demon to be able to access the easter egg area along with other features.
Another feature would be that you could be able to open other`s lockers if you can lockpick or look at them while their opening their lockers. You can learn their combinations which you can us to access others lockers.
Also i think there should be a kindness personalty. Basically they will try to prevent people from doing sucide. Even if they see you kill someone they wont tell anyone and will try to befriend you( aka distract you) but they will increase your popularity. Sometimes if they see you run off though they will follow. Alot of times they`ll ask you if you need a favor and will actually do stuff for you. They wont kill though. If you kill enough around them one of two things will happen. Both ways they will ask you to follow them. One way is that they will kidnap you and kill you outside of school. I`ll make a cutscene for that later. The other thing is that they will show you the box you kidnap people in and it will have a sleeping senpai. When you get back you dont realise it but there is a bomb strapped in it as well. Killing you and senpai....So Beware Kindness can leave to cruel endings.
Thats all i got but hey others might have better ideas.
Also if i am able to record yandere simulator i`m gonna try to play match maker and put Pipi and Ryuto together. Also will try and see if i can pair up senpai with kokona or oka.

Undertale mod?

Hey guys whats up? Anyway princessprt here. So i thought i would talk out a undertale mod idea.
So The mod would be called Undercraft Mod.
Lets start with the what should happen.
You can spawn in a mountain portal which i havent decided how i want it. Anyway you land in a flowery yellow pile of flowers. So far thats all i got.

Hey guys whats up! Its princessprt here! Anyway..

So i was watching a markiplier video with puppies.
and i`m say i dont think i can play dead and fool my dog. Cause my dog has learned how to tell if someone is actually sick, healthy or dying. My dog has several ways of waking up people who are playing dead; Farting in there face, Pawing them, Pawing them in the mouth, Licking them in the eyes and nose, also licking them in their ear. She Seriously has a long tongue. My dog can actually tell peoples blood pressure an blood sugar. Though she doesnt do it much now. She is getting old. My dog has actually learned tricks it usualy takes most dogs years to learn. This reminds i have a puppy to pet on