Blog Archive

Thursday, May 3, 2018

May the fourth be with you

Monthly Goal/Update Post- May 2018

Hey guys princessprt here and i decided on the first Thursday of every month i would make a Goal/Update post about whats going on and my Goals to try and Accomplish until the end of the month. So Lets Begin with an Update

  • Mid-May to Beginning of June i will Offical be done with hiatus As Far as i am aware
  • I No Longer have to wear a Writ brace until i need to wear one.
  • By Mid may i will be done with my 2nd Semester of College
  • I`ll be changing the Orginal Idea of 2 videos per day into one video every day. 
  • Going to Keep Doing a Blog post once a Week on Thursday
  • Uploading a piece of art on Deviant Art Once a Month
  • Working on Making Posters for the channel
  1. Keep a Constant Upload Schedule 
  2. Learn Something New
  3. Check something off my Bucket list
  4. Take a Day off to do nothing but sleep
  5. Go on a 5-10 Minute Walk with Cocoa
  6. Drink more water
  7. Work on Reading and completing a Book every week
  8. Create a new Icon
  9. Create a New banner
  10. Finnish Chanel Trailer
  11. Create Patreon Trailer
  12. Finnish Map Planning for Ninjago Minecraft map.
  13. Work on My LinkedIn Profile 
  14. Make a Christmas/Birthday Shopping List
  15. Break a Bad Habit
  16. Work on Making a New Years Resolution
  17. Work on Holiday Youtube Videos
  18. Loose Weight
  19. Face A Fear
  20. Learn a New Language
  21. Go to a Movie Theater-(IMAX 3D DOCUMENTARY)
  22. Get a new Hobby
  23. LiveStream During a Convention
  24. Learn a New Recipe that i can cook
  25. Go to a Medieval Fair
  26. Get a 1,000 Subscribers on my Youtube channel
  27. Get a follower on this blog.
  28. Finnish the Clean Highway Project
  29. Create a Facebook for Princessprt
  30. Make a 100 Goals list for 2019 and Complete it.