Blog Archive

Monday, February 26, 2018

Reacting to 12 blogging mistakes- Blog form

Ok so I probably just posted a blog but couldn`t wait for this one. Ahem. Hey guys princessprt here reacting to 12 Blogging mistakes Most beginner bloggers make. Why? Becaue its funny. Reason why is because the title is completely different than what the blog content is actually suppose to be. Reason for that is because this is aimed at Business blogs. While it does provided good tips and mistakes that can happen. Its still a misleading titled blog when the title in the blog post itself is infact correct. So lets see
Mistake Number 1: You think of Ideas in a vaccum
Like i mentioned before, this is a blog post aimed at business blogs. This mistake right here while i don`t really put into affect i can understand and it is actually an issue. For Example if you have a great idea to post something. Try and Save it for another time or a Scheduled Blog posting time. Reason why is because you can easily overload your followers and you can Dry yourself up because you decided to post something that could have waited later.
Mistake Number 2: Your Writing is too Stiff
So this is an actual issue which can be resolved by trying to write like you talk. Its a serious issue because your readers can get bored or even get overwhelmed when you do. Remember Writing is a form of Communicating or talking. Even if it isn`t used in school, write like you talk.
Mistake Number 3: You think people care about you as the writer.
Ok I`m just going to say this now i laughed alot because until you hit it big time as a Famous person, no one really cares about listening in. Granted its helpful to blog about it but remember you probably won`t get feedback on it. The Solution the website listed was Show your personalty don`t tell it. basically its putting yourself into the blog such as showing your point of view on matters.
Mistkae Number 4: Your topics are to broad.
Yes i know i mispelled mistake but not going to correct it. A Basical Solution to this is getting creative with the titles or even using a title or idea generator. Seen mistakes like this happen before but haven`t really had any trouble with it
Mistake Number 5: Your Writing is a Brain dump
Basically its stating that blog posts need an outline of some sort. Thing is about this mistake is that you have to customily make it every single time. It can be exhausting sometimes because you have to sort out a bunch of information into a outline or give it some sort of structure.
Mistake 6&7: No evidence
If you can`t tell i`m shortening the headers because i didn`t feel like it because i just realised i have 6 hours until school and Its to late to back out now. But basically i can see where this mistake is coming from. The Person in a said blog would post something where they used evidence or a Quote or something and forgot to link it back to its source. In my bog posts i just turn the evidence or the Quote or what ever it is into the link to save time and space. But basically Show your resources otherwise it appears as if your making a biased claim with no evidence to support it and its completely pointless to others because it appears as an opinion rather than a fact. These two are so close together they are similar, yet different.
Mistake 8: Your not done
Basically once you`be written your piece you then have to go through the proccess of editing said piece, I guess i could show you guys how to do it if you want, but comment that down or don`t i`m  certain there`s a how to guide out there you can use. It usually takes 30 minutes minum to edit a piece because you have to spell check it, grammar check it, Input your resource and evidence links, Sort the information into an outline, and theres a giant outline and more sutff you can use on your blog to make it better
Mistkae 9: Perfectionist aren`t good
In Blogging Trying to make your blog post perfect isn`t nesscary and probably will waste your time. Reason why is because nothing is perfect. Trying to be perfect will not work. Rule i follow is check it three times max before posting.
Mistake 10: Blogging consistenly
I think this was mentioned before but i`m to lazy to scroll up. Its important to have a Blog post schedule of consistency. Thing is i Have a single day that i will always post a blog post on because the rest of the week in uncertain. So use a bloody calendar!
Mistake 11: Anayliticals
Basically focusing on past information can harm your blog, move forward by looking into new fields.
Mistkae 12: subs
Yeah its a problem i have on my blog that despite the views i have i don`t have a single follower on this blog. So if you like this content please follow. So yeah heres the link and i`m gonna go.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Update or not?

Hey guys princessprt here and before we begin i Wanted to ask you guys some questions in a survey. Which Here it is:
Anyway into some of the updates. So Erm, Things have come up and it looks like i`ll be pushing recording videos back, right now i have some videos pre-recorded for you guys. So i hope you`ll enjoy that content while i try to get next week`s videos ready. So I was thinking of Doing an A-Z video with a Twist you guys will find out later. Maybe do a Video of Day in the life of me. It kinda depends on what content i think you guys will like and what i want to do. Oh yeah i`ll be doing a Blog post on some old dead websites that were amazingly cool and i actually really miss. Perhaps i`ll run a contest for something. I do want to do Interviews for people in different careers. I was thinking of posting some short storys on here but not to sure. I am working on making my stance videos starting with redoing the Why Chocolate milk should be in school. Perhaps I will do a Blog post based on some projects i mentioned in the past about working on. I also was thinking of doing What If posts. Maybe i`ll talk about why i started blogging, being a youtuber, or trying to become a graphic designer. Also while typing this i realised a greate contest would be asking you guys to create Error 404 pages. I will probably do a blog post on this contest later. Maybe i would write blog post poems. Perhaps blogging about some blog or youtube things? Also Another thing is that I currently plan on just setting up the etsy online shop for online things and will probably move on from that when it takes off, if it ever opens. Currently Six Computer wallpapers Are being created as we speak. Also i was thinking of making a Pokemon Tabletop video on how character creation would work for a game that will be coming up. Also if you guys know me from deviant art your probably familar with gray stone, wolfie bluemoon, lion tree, and green moon to which i will probably do a blog post where they talk to you guys. Also Maybe doing a reaction post to some stuff but basically yeah. Anyway i gotta go. Please fill out the form up top. I will do a reaction post to it in...say a week.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

What Would I do for 2 Fun days

Hey guys princessprt here and today i am going to be telling you guys about what my fundays would be. So First off I would get up and go to Ihop and order breakfast. Afterwards I would go to the creative discovery musuem and play because its actually really fun to play. It also is really cool. After that i would go to the Tennessee Aquarium and then Imax afterwards because watching nature documentations in 3D is Amazing. Afterwards I would go to the Hunter`s Art musuem. Then Followed up by going to the Chattanooga Zoo. Later going to the Chattanooga ChooChoo, Then to the Rail Road musuem. Visiting the Lemon fair. Then A visit to Sir Goonys and Airbounce.Seeing Raccoon Mountain caverns is fun. A Visit To Ruby Falls afterwards along with a visit to The nearby Climbing Center for all ages. Afterwards Going Bowling and Skating sounds fun. Visiting Home depot workshop sounds fun. Getting Lunch at Auntie Anne`s Pretzel Stand (probably got the name wrong, i apologize). Then Going to play lazer tag. Afterwards Riding on the Carousel is Amazing. Perhaps Stopping by Clumpies Ice cream to grab some icecream or a milkshake. Expericencing a Escape Room sounds fun out of three in the close area. Exploring a Corn Maze Sounds Amazing. Visiting the Mayfield`s Dairy Farms sounds cool. A Walk down Station Street would be quite an Experience. Buying things from mckay`s used book store. Then Visiting Lowe`s build and grow workshop could be an amazing learning experience. Oh hey theres a Trampoline center near here aimed towards air sports or using a trampoline for a sport or just having fun on a trampoline.A Quick visit to the Challenger Stem Learning Center is Amazing.  Then a Ride up and down the incline is fun.Then before supper grab some supplies for tomorrow from the farmers market. For dinner lets visit the murder mystery diner. Then lets head home to get a shower and head to bed
The Next Day would be a Completely Relax Day. Visting the hole in the wall long horns cafe for breakfast would be an awesome breakfast. Visiting the Chattanooga Library would be amazing. Having a Moment at the Spa. Afterwards Riding around town in a horse drawn cardiage is awesome and so relaxing. Then Visiting the  Ymca to swim in the pool and soak in the hot tub. For lunch lets visit visit Kuraba`s for some good food. Have an hour with out electronics to relax. Bake either some cookies, cupcakes, or Cake.Then lets watch a home movie. Go out on a Drive and see where you end up. Then listen to Relaxing Music while doing yoga. Swing on a playground swing. Visit the Tea house and Try to find a tea i like. Colour in Some Coloring books. Get a Massage. Watch Some Zoo and Aqaurium Exhibit Cameras. Go for a walk and get a plant. Do some crafts. Then go to the sushi place near clumpies and coolidge park for Sushi. Then Take a Shower and head to bed.
[Please note that this is an What If, Meaning i Probably wouldn`t be able to get all of this done in one day, but its fun to imagine]

Ibotta the app

Hey! Thought you would enjoy Ibotta (if you don’t already). It’s an easy to use, cash back rewards app. I use it every time I shop, and thought you would like it too! Use my referral code, iuofrib, and you can get a $10 welcome bonus. Sign up at

Friday, February 23, 2018

Talking about pro life and pro choice.

Hey guys princessprt here and before we get into the topic at hand I wanted to inform you guys that the blog schedule is a definite blog post on Thursday. So if I. Blog about stuff other than that it's completely based on my mood and things that may have come up. On to the topic of hand. I'll begin this with are you pro choice or life. Pro choice means allowing pregnant women to abort their children while pro life is taking that Choice away. While it isn't a big issue on the news where I am. I'm just going to state this. After carefully examining the facts. I am on the side of pro choice. Fact is abortion can be a good thing. Abortion means preventing pregnant women from having  a child. Reasons for abortion vary. Only thing I have a problem with abortion are those few doctors who decided to abort a pregnant women's babies without asking them and perhaps never telling them unless asked. This is a bad issue with the doctor cause there are alot of reasons why and if they aren't good enough then they actually murdered a unborn child. This would be considered abortion without a choice which I don't agree with. Abortion by choice is something I can understand. It can be a dangerous thing for both sides if the baby is not aborted. For example if a doctor gave a couple a low chance of the baby and mother suviving birth at say 1-2% abortion would be a likely road. Abortion while killing a unborn child could do more good than most think. Baby births sometimes threaten the mother and some times it can be a problem if the baby were formed in the first place. Fact is that pro life supporters are trying to take away a choice that can end well for the parents because it kills an unborn child. Listen unless you are a mother of a child you gave birth to or are pregnant, leave. This affects the women's bodies. Leave this discussion to them because if not you are stepping on thin ice. Simply because you don't have this experience and yet act like you do or you know everything on this topic. Doctors who do abortions are not concerned with the unborn baby but with the patient. Doctors who suggest abortion think it's in best health. Low chance of survival at birth for both of them. If your not a mother or pregnant, just remember that this is their bodies. Don't tell them what to do with it. You will seem like a asshole. You will seem like you are trying to control this part of their lives. Leave the conversation. It's up to these women about what they do. Your just trying to peer pressure them into what you want. Remember , their bodies, their rules. Now I'm gonna take my own advice and leave the conversation.

Talking about the School shootings solutions

Hey guys princessprt here and First  lets talk about school shootings or more preferably ideas on how to prevent and or protect the students. Lets Start with the metal Detectors. Metal Detectors would  detect metals on a student or visitor. There are various problems with this idea. There are various school supplies that have metal on them. Such as a number two pencil, Calculator, Binders, and alot more depending on what you got. Another thing is alot of kids now have phones to contact parents in any emergencies. Long story short it wouldn`t work unless you change several industries into using a different thing and they may not wind up doing it. Enforcing laws idea. Do i even know where to begin. Well first off how about its a medium idea. Partially bad but partially good. First off There are alot of laws that are in use and enforced. At the same time, its bad because the person who is doing the shooting isn`t obeying the laws. Making more doesn`t mean they`ll obey it. Next idea is Performing Active Shooter drills. More speicific than your hiding in the class room. Simply put its an excerise made to get students better prepared against it. I honestly like this idea. Simply put the kids have to run through a drill of what would happen if an active shooter attacked. This idea would probably take some resources and some time, but for safety it would be a good idea. I suggest at least doing it at a miniumum of once a month. Next thing is well a bunch of objects. Reinforced windows and doors that would be bullet proof would be an amazing thing. It could stop bullets from reaching its victmns. Another thing is that if the attacker were to try and break down either one, it would not work. Buying time and possibly saving lives. Another item would be a reinforced lock incase the one on the window or door were to fail. Good now onto the next object on this list is recruiting trained personnel. While hiring Ex-military would be an amazing step. I want to add on by saying that the school should allow and possible enforce the teachers to have carry-on firearm weapons and licenses. If not hire the ex-military and do it where they patrol the halls. Fun fact the next item on the list is what i wanted to add. Arm the teachers with firearms. Those that do should be given a payraise for ammo, keeping the gun in good condition, and keeping the carry firearm license. Next thing is publicize consquences. First off let me state this, If you are attacked, anything and everything can be a weapon if you have the knowledge to be able to do so. Any chemicals from cleaners to sugar can be used. Also warning i`m about to rant that could enrage people so you have been warned. Trump who in opinion is a pretty good president so far, suggested allowing teachers to carry firearms to school to prevent school shootings. I mean come on, there is a town that has A large precentage of people who have licenses to carry fire arm, They have a low crime rate. So before you ask, gun control is the issue, the problem is people don`t have more licenses to carry because everyone is to fluffy to even think about that information. These Fluffy people think because criminals use guns and weapons that what they use is the problem. To thoose fluffy people out there, The entire problem is that your forcing probelms for thoose who decide to get a firearms carry license. Causing less and less of them to get guns and weapons to protect themselves. None of you think about banning knives if someone is stabbed by one. Because its a commonly used object. Several criminals use undercover ways or even just plan out steal other people`s weapons to harm others with. The fact is trump is right, you want your kids safe? There are a multude of ways to protect them, Arming teachers who have the goal of keeping your children safe makes their job more efficent because Criminals, although they carry guns, don`t want to get shot. So Arming Teachers with guns and allowing them to bring it on campus for the safety of others may infact help. Hiring Ex military and Ex cops with a Fire arm carry license and allowing them to carry on campus will also help. Fact is Trump is Seeing these results and i can see that the problem is that these shooters don`t want to Listen to the gun free zone. The fact is that this zone that we had build to protect, is now possibly preventing us from properly defending the lastest generation. So instead, It would turn into Do not go into school with a gun, there are many people who will deal with thoose that do. The Simple fact is that we should push Firearm Carrying licenses because pushing it will cause crime to drop. Its actually a Proven fact. To the tweet that state that selling guns to prevent gun violence, yes and no. Trump wants to arm and train teachers to protect the students more efficently while publicizing it. Reason why is because the more people realize oh theres armed personnel over there who would shoot if the students in their classroom were in danger, the more likely they`ll aviod confrontation with these people. You students may have done research, but it was not well done. To the tweet using the armed guard at parkland yet 17 died, the fact is that your talking about a single person, trump is talking about arming multiple people. Also while being a big school, There is still the possibility that the guard was on another end of the school. That is a weak excuse. There are multiple ways that could have gone down. Fact is that Using that statement is weak, The point of where this guard is could be anywhere, also Gun shots echo. Meaning the guard had no idea until a shot was already fired. This statement is used as the person assumes that the guard was on the scene and knew what was going on. Hindsight is 20/20 person. The same tweet stated that trained police only hit a target 18% of the time in a gunfight. 18% is better than nothing. So moving on, like stated before, Metal detectors could caude hinderance instead of safety. Also theres a very racist tweet, Whose ending part of the tweet was "But work to Criminalize kids of colour" How is that criminializing kids of colour?!? Back When segeration was a thing, military had to be brought in for the kids Safety. Again can someone explain to me how it is criminalizing kids of colour, because this tweeter is a racist bullshitter, because there was not a single thing about Race or GOD DAMN SKIN COLOUR. I can only handle dealing with discrimination so much. Racisism and Discrimination sincerly piss me off. Being Racist is a Complete pointless and infact counter productive thing to be. Discrimination is something that wastes time and causes more problems than its worth. Also to store`s that sell guns such as bbs to anything. They require Background checks before purchase. If not and you can buy it immediatly, it means that the issue that they didn`t do the background check in the first place and that should be enforced. Trump is not underminning it he is trying to stop gun violence. Ok done with my ranting. Anyway guys i will see you later, Please for safety of children Allow teachers to carry firearms on school campuses so they can effectively protect kids, cause even if its a low chance of shooting them, the shooter could get shot, fight back or run off because they just found out that the teachers were armed. Best thing about trumps plan, is that publicizing that the teachers are armed or there are armed guards (multiple armed guards) will probably if not most definetly decrease the said likely hood of a school shooting. 

Thursday, February 22, 2018

HELP ME SAVE MY CHANNEL!!! It’s time to fight back!!!-bart baker

Flutter heart and Alicorns

Hey guys princessprt here and i wanted to talk to you guys about Flutter heart and Alicorns. Flutter heart is a Baby Alicorn, Daughter of Candence the Alicorn of love, and Shinning Armour who happens to be Twilight`s Older brother. Currently I have no idea of how Cadence got her wings, whether she was born with them or she was given to them by magic. So First off Flutter heart has huge wings, Scootaloo has small wings due to a actual Health problem, so yeah flutter hearts wings are just an opposite version of Scootaloo`s small wing problem. So first off Celestia and Luna have never seen an alicorn being born at all. Which means celestia and luna are probably the latest generation of either A clan of alicorns, B having a Pegasus and a unicorn somewhere in their family, or C They got their wings by magic. Cause Flutter heart is literally how alicorns are made. I`m excited to see this as it makes us question what has happened to the alicorns. Now first off before i go on a tangent about how flutter heart is an alicorn, I would like to point out that we have yet to see interspecies relationships, We have fan fiction and fan art of it, but do any of you guys have seen relationships between any of the species. So far only Cadence with Shinning armour and buck wither with Lemony Gems. We never see how their offspring look cause from our point of view relationships such as crushes,dating, and marriage, most of the time seems to stick with their own species. So now onto flutter hearts origins. First off Its entirely possible she got the wings from either side of her parents because we have no clue about Shinning`s heritage. For Shinning it would be a recessive trait, while if it was from cadence it would be a Dominant trait. There was also the possibility that Flutter heart could have turned out to be a pegasus, unicorn, or even a earth pony. This is due to Putins square or more importantly its upraded version which includes a much more detailed square. This detailed square would include, coat and mane color. Now Lets Move onto Alicorns cause With cadence she could have either a pegasus somewhere in her family or Have magical wings. either way it goes The Dna still will have Wings Dna. So Let me clarify, By Giving a pony wings such as with twilight, which i already talked about, Includes alot of skill in manipulating atoms and knowing the biology of the pony. Simply because the Wings are a body part. IT means rerouting her entire body system to support her new found wings. Since she can fly decently, this means alot of skill in making sure the body didn`t reject the wings. Meaning a change in DNA or Genetics. Which covers how Flutter heart could get her wings. We`re not done yet. I`ll be honest, I was genuniely suprised when Flutter heart came out, It was funny, but it came with some missed opportunity. It seems like it would have been more productive to try and Build up suspense to flutter heart would have been a better game plan then just announcing it like that. This would have also allowed fan art to manifest, and Talk of what Flutter heart could have been, and even what it`s name will be. Even though it was mentioned in Season 5, that isn`t entirely what i meant. What i meant is that have an episode for a baby shower, have a episode where shinning and cadence announce the babies gender. Along with building Suspense and then doing flutter heart`s episode would have been better. Also I`m pretty sure the Brony Community could possibly accept the fact of Flutter heart bein a naturally born alicorn instead of a mixed reaction of Happy along with WTF and some that refuse to accept it. Fact is its entirely clear that flutter heart is just a gimmick to get more toys and To move the plot forward in multiple episodes. So what will be flutter heart`s cutie mark or does she possibly have a cutie mark already. It is possible that Flutter heart already has a cutie mark, but now what would be her cutie mark if she didn`t. Its clear in multiple episodes Flutter heart tries her best to resolve conflict seen when she tries to get Pumpkin and pound cake to stop fighting each other. Not only that but several times we see flutter heart doing something fun or show up to help when something hasn`t gone quite right. Its Basically put that Flutter heart while being a Alicorn Princess show kindness and generiousity while trying to have fun. She seems loyal to her family and tries to be honest. We`ve litterally seen her show off qualities that the mane six have. I don`t think we can do that yet until flutter heart is as old as possibly the mane six. From what we have seen she is very intelligent. Remember when Twilight ignored flutter heart when she was trying to stop the fight, then twilight assumed that flutter heart, that believe it or not, is considered a form of neglect. Anyway Flutter heart has great potiential even if the build up could have been better. Her future looks bright and I actually want to see more of her and watch her grow up. Anyway guys i will see you guys later.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Whats going on guys

Hey, guys princessprt here, Today we will be going over topics that i wanted to address. Right now in the planning stage of some of the Intro Videos on 3 different websites. Working on what Pieces of art I will be submitting this Thursday. Also Looking into making a series that will replace base builder because after a bit of contemplating it looks like a no-go. Why? Because it's been covered multiple times. Doing a series on it would wind up being overkill. So now im just trying to figure that out. Also i was thinking of getting some wigs? Specifically 1-4. Not entirely sure. Currently, i know i want one wig. A Wig Designed how i want it. A Purple hair transitioned down to lime green at the tips. It would have a Hannah hair style. Now for the other 3. What would i do for them? How about a Watery Blue ombre Bob, Asymetric Illusion of Galaxy, and Finale A Ripple bob of Dark pink and Turqoise green. So now what? well i Heard that alot of Ponies say that flutter heart isnt a Real alicorn. So after tomorrow i will be addressing on my blog about why flutter heart is a Real alicorn and what a REAL Alicorn may actually be. I will also do a followup video on it as well. Another thing is that For a moment i want to address real life here. So as you guys know I run A Youtube channel and a blog. Had the Youtube Channel for 6 years since I started posting videos. Blog is only what? 2 years. I Have a Ask Blog but no one has asked me anything and i really don`t post on that blog space. So Heres the Deal. I`m having issues. Ones that consist outside of normal life. These Issues is that My Depression has gotten better but worst at the same time. Not entirely sure how to deal with it. I just know that all of a sudden i will get really depressed and i couldn`t really understand why. Thats when my dad suggested i talk to my Psychology teacher. Thats when I found out that my depression was stemming off emotional abuse i was suffering under my grandparents. I orginally knew that they did have some sort of connection with it, but until then i didn`t really get why. Everyone in my family had dealt with My grandparent`s bullying before. Thats when i began to connect dots. Everyone in my family including my dad had depression sometime and my dad admitted that nana and papal have caused him similar problems. So now i have to bring up the fact of facing emotional abuse to my Psychologist and Doctors. Anyway i`ll see you guys later.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Personal Problems

Hey guys Princessprt here and Today i will be talking to you guys about personal problems. Mainly, my depression. So If you guys didn`t know I actually have depression. It was just really energy draining, It felt like everyone was talking behind my back and basically alot of mean stuff was going on behind my back that wasn`t. So a couple days ago hit an all time low. Not Sure why but it did. the Day after which was Thursday i had to sit outside and wait for my papal. To which believe it or not i just felt alot better. Thats when Four of my old characters Came to visit. To which if you watch my Deviant art you realise that these four are Lion Tree, Gray stone, Wolfie Blue moon, and Green moon. Lion Tree Representing Graphic Design, Gray stone Representing Youtube, and Wolfie Representing my blog. Green moon is just sort of the realism and communication between them. So As you guys could probably tell on their I decided to stop being depressed because these four characters are just pieces of who i am. Lion Tree is the graphic designer, Gray stone is the Youtuber, Wolfie Blue moon is the blogger and Green moon is the Realism and Communication between all three. So I guess I decided to change somethings, starting with a schedule. This schedule is suppose to help me out on several platforms. I also now have a to-do list and alot more time than i originally thought. It`ll take awhile to get use to the schedule. Anyway so i will see you guys thursday.

Friday, February 16, 2018

Why flurry heart is genetically an alicorn

Hey guys princessprt here and I will be explaining why flurry is by genes a alicorn alright pull out your biology books. Or look at the geniverse game, you'll understand why soon enough. So let's look at her parents. Cause you can now guess why. Shining armor is a unicorn. Cadence is an alicorn who is said to be a descendant of princess amore the crystal kingdoms unicorn princess. So  by using pudants square there was a 50% chance of a unicorn, 25 percent of an alicorn or a peagsus. That's by genes. Btw even if a unicorn became a alicorn by gaining a wings it would still change her dna or be a shock to her systems. Im changing the topic from flurry to twlight. We all know twlight gained her wings through magic. These wings are made of flesh and blood. Meaning twlights blood circulation had to change, her bone structure had to change, her whole body changed including dna. Which makes me a little more terrified of Celestia. Celestia was able to do this alone. She knew enough biology and science to do this. She was able to nitpick dna. So now we have a Luna whose magically stronger but Celestia can do dinner and quicker details. which raises the question of how. Oh also I'm not stating how cadence has her wings cause I'm not sure.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Minecraft game labs

Hey guys princessprt here and I wanted to talk about a series I actually wanted to start on making some day soon. But basically. It's what the title is. Where basically re making games and TV shows into Minecraft. Anyway I will see you all later

Friday, February 9, 2018

Cool s'mores - I use this free app to get rewards just for using my phone. Download S'more now using this link and we'll both get a bonus!

Thursday, February 8, 2018

What my YouTube studio is telling me

Hey guys princessprt here and I wanted to talk to you guys over YouTube content. Basically from what I've seen 75% of my viewers aren't subscribed to my YouTube channel. I also found out that you guys want me to do more videos on geniverse and videos similar to why chocolate milk should be in school. Alot of you guys wanted more assassin's of Steve. So here's the deal how about while we figure out how to get the server to run it without problems we do speedruns of it. It'll be helpful. So I will attempt to get it done. So anyway I will see you guys later!


Hey guys princessprt here and I wanted to let you know that currently I'm working on redesigning on some of the websites I'm on. Currently updating and working on my patreon page. I'm gonna work a week on each social thing I'm on to try and improve. I will attempt to keep the video schedule up. Once everything is done I'm going to try and be more active and actually get more stuff done. Anyway I will see you guys later!

G2A Goldmine

hey guys princessprt here and i wanted to tell you guys about G2A Goldmine. So first off its a cheaper way to buy items. They give you keys or basically codes where you can buy items for way less then they actually are. heres a link for you to check out
Anyway the concept of G2A Goldmine is where you give links and you can earn money to. Anyway i will see you guys later. Enjoy G2A and G2A Goldmine!

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Server Discussion Time

Hey, guys princessprt here and as I probably mentioned I want to try and run a couple of servers. Guess In total if I can manage to get enough money I can wind up running Several Servers. First off For that matter I guess I should explain what will happen in said servers. I want to try and get 20+ servers to run. Why? First off I want to try and run a group server by which I mean that based on some ideas from the head of a group I`m part of I would put aside 9 servers for that group. I`ll probably be working on the rules and what would happen in each of the servers. Now we have 11+ servers left. Now onto Servers not part of the group Nuzlocke Factions, Digimon, Yugioh, My Little Super Heroes/Villians, Nexo Knights, Magination, Poptropica, Jurassic Trollers, Town of Salem Minigame, and the last one would be private. Welp Anyway that's all and I will see you guys later.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Its Thursday!

Hey guys princessprt here and its Thursday. It is going to be a busy day today. So here's the plan for February I`ll do my best to try and record and get all 6 videos out in time. I`m also working on making a few new series. First off I may be making a change. I`ll keep everything like normal except by one thing. I may try to make more content. The normal schedule is released in the morning at 6:30 am est. The Other set of videos I may try to do will be released at 8:30 pm and happens to be content that has been advertised on Tuesday testing what content you guys liked or viewed the most. which currently is Assasins of Steve and Pixelmon Lunar Rising which is coming out this Tuesday, I also want to try and make better and newer content. So while 2 of them happen to be gaming I may try to do some videos about cooking, Crafts, Diy, Science Experiments, and Argumental videos over various topics including a redo on why chocolate milk should be allowed in school which is my 2nd most viewed video. I also may be redoing some old videos that happen to be favorites which first pop up which if I had to name one would be geniverse. In short, i may or will try to redo old videos to provide better quality. Also i`m currently researching if telltale is making a season 3 for Minecraft storymode which i hope not because the ending was so satidfying. The only thing i can think of is them making after stories of ivor making up to his friends based on the choices. Aiden doing stuff based on your choices. basically an after happily ever after. Because that is what season 2 ending felt like. The only thing i can think of them possible having to do for a season 3 is minecraft creepy pasta facing off against minecraft legends such as herobrine, Colored Steve, Error 303 and probably more that i don`t know. I`ll be doing a poll this sunday based on this anyway i hope you enjoy and i will see you guys later!