Blog Archive

Sunday, June 4, 2017

I need some time and space

Hey, guys princessprt here and today, On June 4th, 2017 at 4-5 am my Mom passed away. It doesn`t feel real it hurts a lot. It's like I'm numb on the inside but I can still feel the pain. Oh yeah, I'll be working on getting videos made and put out but it`ll be awhile I just need time. We are currently having to go through her items. We still need to decide what she wears when she is buried which my dad left the choice to me. We need to contact the rest of the family members. We need to sort through her stuff, on what to keep what to throw out, what to give away and other things. It hurts a lot now that she isn`t here. either way, it goes I need to head out I'll see you guys later!