Blog Archive

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

I`m tired and i`m sleepy.

Food is cooking. Theres a convention coming up on september the 17th. My mom is talking about cosplays for another convention in november on the 19th. anyway so i guess i will get a cosplay for september the 17th. i think i will go as female jesse to which i assume in the begining the orange thing in her hair is a hair clip. after that  i dunno. anyway i will see you guys later bye!!!

using command maker

so i decided to make a cool awesome sword. thing is though, im bored out of my mind. theres the link for all generators.  oh also check out This game. *yawns* im bored. So far for work i have.... in 1st block i have video and review worksheets to do for homework. 2nd block i have some punny ideas to sketch, draw and illustrate. 3rd block i have to research and make a poster with 2 other people based on time line events of the civil war. im having lunch soon. hen in 4th i think we have another project for marketing to do. in 5th we go into sectionals and work on music. then after school we got anime club. Alirght so yea lets begin with the one thats half way done. For the two puns for 2nd block i have the trombone made out of bones and the anti gravity book that cant be put down. all i need to do is choose a medium to illustrate them in. i think the antigravity book should be colored pencils and the bones should be a sort of crayon/marker medium. Then for 1st block i need to answer 10 questions based off of 2 videos but wifi is better at home so it will be done later. as for 3rd block i think i will research it sooner or later. and we`ll see how it goes.also i think my chrome book battery has shrunk. also almost 14 minutes till i got to go change classes again. so wish me luck and i will see ya`ll later bye!

hey guys, princessprt here

and today is alot better than yesterday. first off i didnt wake up to a leg cramp that made me cry. im sticky though because of a sun burn that hurts but feels good?  anyway so 1st block looks to be easy. 2nd block i have 2 projects to do to which i plan on making a bone trombone cause its a pun in the name and i need to figure out a pun, idoims or proverb for the 2nd project. figuring out what i want to do based off of a pun or something is harder then it looks. Also when i turn in the trombone im making a animation version with it actually working and playing trombone pieces, hopefully i get to it. anyway wish me luck and i will see ya`ll later bye !!!!