Blog Archive

Thursday, November 30, 2017

The Day before Christmas...On Fairy Diaries Set.

2018 planning and an update/

hey, guys princessprt here. I wanted to let you guys know I'm going to attempt to get back to blogging. Except for this time, I will be doing posts once a week, Every Thursday. I`ll be doing Topic Research for the blog. I am also currently planning new series. I`ll be explaining it over the week. Currently, i have 3 Definite Series which are World of Warships [Insert joke here], Pixelmon Historical Fiction, and Realm Travels. World of  Warships will be released Every Wednesday. Pixelmon Historical Fiction is still in planning. Give me a hand in planning it by clicking the Link and filling out the form. I`ll Email Volunteers with a Volunteer form after a while. I Also have a poll going on where you guys can vote what series I should release for 2018. here is the Link. Once Christmas is Over I`ll be closing both polls and collecting the data. Afterwards, the Series from the polls with the most votes will be the series for 2018. Also, Realm Travels will be A series that lasts an entire week will be basically a roleplay where me and sometimes my friends will jump from different realms. This Series will last the Entire year. Currently, this series will be in Vanilla. For the moment of probably 2 years, i will most likely be very busy with school work which for those of you who don`t know I am actually in college. I will be trying to get various things done. Maybe I will finally get my Youtube Channel trailer finished or not. Just depends. Oh yeah, that reminds me. I`ll be doing various filler videos. These will range from modpacks to minigames on Minecraft, to some small online games I found to review, Game news Discussions, a Couple of DIY videos, Talking about hobbies or career talks where we interview people about their job, Scientific Breakthroughs, and discoveries, Some educational videos, Tech talks where we talk about technology, Q&As ask me some questions on my askblog and I'll answer it, 10 things I do when im bored, top 10 videos, Say anything challenge, Do not laugh or grin, Don`t sing disney challenge, Speed drawings, React to Old videos, What I like about ???, Draw my life,  Music video?, Rants, Story time, Why did i become a youtuber, 50 things about me, How I edit my videos, What annoys me, Playing the clarinet, Animation, My dog in a vlog, Critic Videos, Stance on issues, Explainer, Remake old videos, How to, Show reactions, Inetactive series, Creating and destroying things, Anaylsis, Experiments, and definetly a Thank you video to thank everyone for watching. Oh, another fact is now Sunday live streams are once or twice a month.Anyway, i will see you guys next Thursday!

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

hey wanna help me out?

hey guys, princessprt here and i wanted to ask you guys for a favor. Besides Going and subcribing to my youtube channel i wanted to ask you to fill out this Form for a new series that I'll be posting about. Its called Pixelmon Historical Fiction. I will be Inviting some friends to join me on the series once i get the basic story line and all that down. Anyway Thanks for your time and i will see you guys later!