Blog Archive

Monday, February 22, 2016

No Videos Tonight Guys!

Hey guys whats up? Princessprt here and anyway. So school might cancel for a lil bit due to power surges that caused a entire hallway to black out. Half the hallway was fixed when i left but it wasnt the part that got affected by the powersurge. Also guys it seems i`m sick in the stomach. I feel sick in my stomach and nothing seems to help so, might have a stomach bug. Hey guys i was thinking of doing a live stream Q&A later when i figure it out. also I will be doing a youtube, Google Doc Journal. So yep, I feel sick. Also see you guys later. Cant record today, probably not tomorrow. maybe wednesday?


Hey guys whats up its princessprt here and sorry for no post yesterday. But I had stuff to do. Anyway so heres the update. Today i have math homework and Spanish home work to do. Also help write a spanish skit with command words. In 5th block is a test with a unknown date. Got work and i dont have time. I have chores at home to do. I got my room to pack and clean up, Really have no time. Then tomorrow i dont have time to chat. Tomorrow right after school i have to turn in money to the band, i have to go to Tech goes home. Then wednesday i have math tutoring. Thursday is make up tech goes home. Thursday`s suppose to snow, SQUEE~! Friday my dad comes back. I really have to clean my room up before he gets back. Also guys i`ll be able to try out online games on my chrome book and post it online! Welp Good Luck out there!
Also Remember to spread the awareness #WTFU!