Blog Archive

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Favorite Undertale Tumblr Ask Blog

Hi guys

Just working on my new channel trailer. Hope i can get it up soon~!


Hey guys i have a patreon and heres a link
This may change to which i will make a trailer.

Program tools i may use later

  • Sumo
  • Cinema 4D
  • After Effects
  • Open Broadcaster Software
  • Sony Vegas
  • MikuMikuDance
  • Auto-cad
More to come soon


Hey guys so since my school delayed two hours i have 30 minutes to use before i get ready and head out to the bus stop i figure i`d hop on and blog a bit. Well for some random reason my school keeps pipes in its closets and so sometimes i wonder during the winter if they just delay school two hours to get the janitors to clean up, Get people there to repair the pipes, and make it look like nothing happened. Sometimes i think thats what my school does. I went to sleep hoping for it to closed and i woke up and 2 hours delay. So i was like yay! I got up when i normally get up for school. I did some stuff i normally do at school. And i would normally be blogging or listening to music at 3rd block. Also i`ve been using my mom`s chrome book. My chrome book froze during a undertale stronger than you sung by sans, song. So  i waited all through winter/fall break for it to unfreeze. And last week i got sick, the person who does the fixing of the chrome book told me i need to bring my chrome book to school. So yea that happened. I have ALOT of homework to catch up on. Today i`m gonna make a Missing Work list and work on my missing work. Also Think about adding more mods to the server mods almost to a 100 mods *Insert Squeal of Joy* anyway also might do a quick video with my old doctor who roblox friend Einshine105! Also thinking of some stuff. Thinking i might need to get some Usbs for my games. I already have pixelmon on one of them and mine craft on it as well. I also got some fangames of  fandoms downloaded. Also Finnished the action of the Flowey`s ending but i need some of my friends to help me with the story line and art. Hope they help! Also Check out the poll below. It ends 1/25/17. I`m gonna make more polls after that but with less time. is a link with a video by one of the animators i watch. I hope to be able to download and make some cool minecraft animations using the same programs.
I`m gonna make a list of programs on a doc later. Anyway wish me luck.