Blog Archive

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

hey guys princessprt here and today RANDOMNESS

Hey guys, so lets start off with paetron. They have a class for free check out the link. You can turn your creative passion into profit.
Also Skillshare has it where you can learn stuff from videos and you can also TEACH through videos

I think i may start up some classes on there. Like using photoshop to make youtube covers. Animating in 2d. Streaming (youtube), and something else i dunno. I`ll see if i can get some of my friends in on the website. but in short In skill share you can become a student and learn skills or become a teacher and teach skills while earning money.
ok onto the actual randomness.
Sorry about that but skillshare is really cool. Anyway so first off I`ll be holding off posting videos for a bit. Because i have to edit some of them more or less is because i realised i havent tagged them really well...or at all. Plus the videos will be slowly shared maybe. either way it goes wish me luck. and i`ll see you guys tomorrow. wanted to post more but i got busy. see you guys later!

Leo Con LiveStream

Check out this livestream to which next saturday i`ll be livestreaming during. Also The only plan is minecraft and comission/speed painting but otherwise we be winging it anyway wish us luck! and come check us out!