hey guys princessprt here and dealing with bullshit at the moment. You see i have to clean the toilet. Thing is tho i try to do it saturday when i have to wash the rugs. Admittedly last saturday i didnt clean it to the best of my ability and forgot to clean under the seat of the toilet i certainly scrubbed under the rim. My dad confronts me on this and im thinking well i know i scrubbed under the rim so its probably the mess under the seat. he talks about how everytime it flushes it launches mold into the air. and im not really following along but its like well dad has to lift the seat every time he poops so he probably doesnt want that mess to sit on. So i clean it up after he asks me to clean it again. I dont get under the rim because i dont think thats the issue. Then he comes back and says he's lowing the bandwith on the computer because i didnt do it. Turns out he's talking about under the rim which while i didnt do as long or good as a job as normal i atleast FUCKING DID IT, DAD. it feels like he's just setting up a think so he can remove my access to the internet over anything THAT ISNT FUCKINGG PERFECT.HE JUST WANTS EVERYTHING TO BE FUCKING PERFECT.
im sorry i cant atm. see you guys later...maaybe?