What if you had all the money in the world but still had to have a job, what would it be. This is actually alot easier than it seems. For Me it would be a Blogging Youtuber who is also a graphic designer. More or less because its in 3 different fields that constantly change.
What if you could live anywhere in the world where would I live? This is easy yet hard. Let me explain why. With what i want to do i would pick a house that has a backyard, a Kitchen with a island and possibly more. At the same time I would want to be in the city more. So no clue currently on this what if
What if you could vacation anywhere for a week What would you do? I will say this right now, i would do the Two fundays in A Week. Having Sunday be day 2.
What if you could buy anything, what would you get? This is a long list that i don`t want to put you through so its 10 pages long
What if my life was a movie? A Musical called meep nootnoot.
What if I had no obstacles what skills would i like to learn? Everything
I ran out of what if questions.