hey guys princessprt here and today it seems my schedule is either gonna be a butt or...its gonna be super helpful. Also Video Scheduling and stuff. First off looking at some senior projects and stuff. Looked up how to create a Pencil Crossbow. Still working on the discord subscriber chat. Also the wifi is being a butt. Plus i have to make a senior project or senior slide in English or aka 1st block. plus found a sceince project on how to make a multi colored glow in the dark carnation, however due to some certain variables in it, it may take a long time to work and make sure it doesnt look wilted, and make it look full of color. Anyway also due to some...unknown things i may have to do a powerslide on stuff. im sorry i stayed up until midnight last night because i had to wait for the dishwasher and the washing machine to finnish to take a shower then head to bed. Also one of my friends has or had a tumblr account and was complaining about hours of long work not being appericated and when i went to go look at it...it wasnt there. so it turns out she probably had the settings on private and no one could see it which would be hilarious. Also some of the series i had in mind may not work and will be removed from the list. Also go check out Games. anyway i will see you guys later!!!
More links for no reason!