Blog Archive

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Blog post plan for 2019

Hey, guys princessprt here and since yesterday I posted a blog post about what blog post plans will be for 2019. On the first note, there will be at least a monthly post about what's to come that month while reviewing the last month and seeing what could be improved on. So Let's call that the Monthly Review Update. I hope to at least post one blog post per day over various subjects since I don't really know where this blog is headed. Perhaps I might figure out one day which way this blog is headed.

Either way, it goes Currently there are a lot of ideas and thing I do wish to achieve during 2019. These Achievements I hope to achieve won't be new years resolutions but things that I wish would be able to be achieved. So far it's only 1 or more blog post per week including the monthly review update. Tomorrow I'll post a list for wishes/goals to hopefully achieve during 2019.

Anyway, I'm peacing out cause it's getting close to final exams time and I need to study!