Blog Archive

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Patreon and the Rewards

Hey guys princessprt here. As you guys know on patreon you can support your favorite Artist whether they be a youtuber, a Blogger or even a graphic designer. So here`s the deal. As you all know I have a patreon where you all can show support by pledging donations because let`s be honest its always helpful. Like with other Patreon users For Certain amounts you pledge you get Awards. Lets talk about that,

Any amount over a Dollar you get To choose the Theme or even what will be recorded to be published on Thursday and To join my discord channel as A Patreon Knight. Plus Patreon Only Content which is coming soon.

If you Pledge Over 5 Dollars you get the same as the previous amount but includes the ability to Comission Custom Digital Posters or a Discount from my etsy store for 50% off any 1 item in it.

Any of the other tiers and you`ll have to go check out my patreon, hope to see you guys there!


Check out My Patreon by click on the link below

Truth and Problems

Hey, guys princessprt here and today I wanted to inform ya`ll about what has been going on behind the scenes. As you guys know I`ve kinda gone on a hiatus at the moment because there have been problems emerging and life kinda gets in the way. So Yeah there are many problems. First off is that i may wind up moving down to my nana`s house because we may be about to lose our house because with the current situation going on is that we spend at least 2000 dollars a month between my dad and I because he has to travel pretty far away for work and has to rent a room for work. With the amount he makes there's the pretty big point of the fact that we won`t probably be able to stay living in our current household for September or October. There are bills and things popping up that are causing things to not work out. So yeah, um I don`t really know whats going to happen next. I am going to loose my dog if we move because every time we open the door she bolts for it. We are going to loose alot. So um. I don`t know if you guys will actually do this but i would appreciate it if you purchased something on my etsy store or even give a pledge on my patreon because it would mean the world. Because what i`m doing right now. Trying to make youtuber videos and Creating blog posts, i don`t earn a cent off of what i`m doing, this entire thing is just something I want to do. I don`t know if you guys will or not, but it would mean the world and help out alot if you did. If i had a wish it would be to stay in this house for much longer because I don`t really want to leave or even move. So please help out.