Blog Archive

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Is my Dream really my dream

Hey guys princessprt here and today i guess i will be discussing about my dream and whether its my dream or not. First lets take a look at a video
In this video Jay was asked how do you know your dream is really your dream Its a great question and one that alot of people should ask themselves before they decide what road they wanna take.
So i guess the first qustion would be what is my dream and my dream is to become a youtuber/Twitch or what ever online and have fun. Thing about my dream is that instead of fitting into a genre i want to go wild and just do everything and discover what i really want to do between all of it.
So is my dream to become a Graphic Designer Youtuber with a blog really my dream. The answer is yes A Million times, Yes it is my dream. I want to be able to create videos that spread joy and happiness while being able to draw and create. My mini dream was reaching 100 subscribers and at some point thought i would never get there but i did. I will be honest the best part about the mini dream is that i loved it. I loved to create content. I love to write these blog posts on various topics because i have no clue where i want to go. I love to create videos and do this stuff because i actually have fun. I love to draw and design things and its amazing.
For the schedule i have been trying to thought i've slipped up, i will be doing 3 videos per week. I want to start trying to do a speed paint or a sketch or even an animation every month or week or whatever. I work on trying to do a daily blog post even though i may be tired or run out of material. and the youtubers who were at my age were probably going off and getting degrees or doing something.
anyway i will see ya'll later

6 Christmas Activies I'd like to do before christmas

  • Recording the Christmas Video
  • Seeing Christmas Decorations 
  • Watch Some Christmas Movies
  • Do a Gingerbread Workshop with my family or friends
  • Visit a Holiday Market
  • see the local Christmas parade.