Everyone is targeting Donald Trump and not in a good way. Seriously, Anti protest supporters caused most problems. Also Donald Trump canceled hi meeting/protest for a certain reason. So Donald Trump has secert service of his own. Their were people who had guns. I dont want to point out a group because of any problems. His group told him it what might happen. he either shows up and lots of people get killed or dont show up and save some lives. Ok so first off people, news channels are targeting trump and not in a good way. So people give trump a break from all this bad targeting. Cmon Trump sounds better than other candidates. I have a bad feeling if we elect hiliary. I thinks its gonna be between Hiliary and Trump because the others are not really big. Also changing topics, Lets start with religion. I really dont care if my friends have religions different then me. I really dont preach religion. So explain to me, WTF Gives some religious nuts the right to dictate what god will and wont do. They arent god. They dont know what he is gonna do. So if you guys dont know my Gay friend who is at school and my band friend who is a religious nut. What qualifies someone as being a religious nut? Deeming people to hell or heaven, Dictating what their god will do, trying to force something when you wont win. So continuing. My Gay friend who is into anime and me dont go to church and i dont know how come the topic of churchs came up. So My Band friend who is a religous nut, starts deeming us to hell because we dont go to church. i didnt mention i have not been baptized because i didnt want to find out what she thought. Then she starts condeeming why gay friend to hell even more. First words that came to mind that i wanted to say but didnt "Well F*** you". First off i dont care about my friends sexuality. I dont mind if they are gay or something. They can have a crush and date who they want.I do my thing, they can do their own. Love is love. People say marriage is a female and male. Well who says they arent female on the inside or in spirit. So the two go into arguing. Finally the religous nut makes a comprise that if the church doesnt support who you are. Its something everyone agreed on.
Seriously people trump has more balls than anyone else. We need the president to have balls. Also heres a strange connection. My dad has told me that if someone does something like punch you, you punch them back. Trumps motto is if a guy beats the crap out of someone, karma is gonna beat the crap out of him. Whether or not its a old man or something else. Also a old man knocks a man out cold who happens to be escorted out of the building because the man beat the crap out of trump supporters. So Warning to Trump Supporters people are not being nice to trump.