Blog Archive

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Redoing my channel art

I`m redoing it later. i dont think its really good.


I now have a D, 2 Cs, and 2 A`s! Now i plan on doing some read-a-latte to boost my Cs into Bs. Also wednesday is when im gonna make up my mathwork. I need 8-10 more points to get spanish from c to b! I need 1-5 points to get my english c into a B! I need 4 more points to get my math into a C, If i want it to be a B i need a 12-14 point boost. Also 10 more days till spring break. Friday of Spring break i plan on going with my nana to go visit my cousin, Z, for his birthday. That means...i have less than 2 weeks to figure out his birthday present. I think i`ll make him a Minecraft pokemon poster so i`ll see ya`ll later!
O.M.G. students in my 5th block act worse then lil kids in elementary, middle school, and high school. They assualted a teacher, bullyed him and harassed him during class while horse playing. Work for the day, duolingo ,chores, recording a video, Walking my dog, going to a band booster meeting, and working on my cousin z`s poster.