Ok so I probably just posted a blog but couldn`t wait for this one. Ahem. Hey guys princessprt here reacting to 12 Blogging mistakes Most beginner bloggers make. Why? Becaue its funny. Reason why is because the title is completely different than what the blog content is actually suppose to be. Reason for that is because this is aimed at Business blogs. While it does provided good tips and mistakes that can happen. Its still a misleading titled blog when the title in the blog post itself is infact correct. So lets see
Mistake Number 1: You think of Ideas in a vaccum
Like i mentioned before, this is a blog post aimed at business blogs. This mistake right here while i don`t really put into affect i can understand and it is actually an issue. For Example if you have a great idea to post something. Try and Save it for another time or a Scheduled Blog posting time. Reason why is because you can easily overload your followers and you can Dry yourself up because you decided to post something that could have waited later.
Mistake Number 2: Your Writing is too Stiff
So this is an actual issue which can be resolved by trying to write like you talk. Its a serious issue because your readers can get bored or even get overwhelmed when you do. Remember Writing is a form of Communicating or talking. Even if it isn`t used in school, write like you talk.
Mistake Number 3: You think people care about you as the writer.
Ok I`m just going to say this now i laughed alot because until you hit it big time as a Famous person, no one really cares about listening in. Granted its helpful to blog about it but remember you probably won`t get feedback on it. The Solution the website listed was Show your personalty don`t tell it. basically its putting yourself into the blog such as showing your point of view on matters.
Mistkae Number 4: Your topics are to broad.
Yes i know i mispelled mistake but not going to correct it. A Basical Solution to this is getting creative with the titles or even using a title or idea generator. Seen mistakes like this happen before but haven`t really had any trouble with it
Mistake Number 5: Your Writing is a Brain dump
Basically its stating that blog posts need an outline of some sort. Thing is about this mistake is that you have to customily make it every single time. It can be exhausting sometimes because you have to sort out a bunch of information into a outline or give it some sort of structure.
Mistake 6&7: No evidence
If you can`t tell i`m shortening the headers because i didn`t feel like it because i just realised i have 6 hours until school and Its to late to back out now. But basically i can see where this mistake is coming from. The Person in a said blog would post something where they used evidence or a Quote or something and forgot to link it back to its source. In my bog posts i just turn the evidence or the Quote or what ever it is into the link to save time and space. But basically Show your resources otherwise it appears as if your making a biased claim with no evidence to support it and its completely pointless to others because it appears as an opinion rather than a fact. These two are so close together they are similar, yet different.
Mistake 8: Your not done
Basically once you`be written your piece you then have to go through the proccess of editing said piece, I guess i could show you guys how to do it if you want, but comment that down or don`t i`m certain there`s a how to guide out there you can use. It usually takes 30 minutes minum to edit a piece because you have to spell check it, grammar check it, Input your resource and evidence links, Sort the information into an outline, and theres a giant outline and more sutff you can use on your blog to make it better
Mistkae 9: Perfectionist aren`t good
In Blogging Trying to make your blog post perfect isn`t nesscary and probably will waste your time. Reason why is because nothing is perfect. Trying to be perfect will not work. Rule i follow is check it three times max before posting.
Mistake 10: Blogging consistenly
I think this was mentioned before but i`m to lazy to scroll up. Its important to have a Blog post schedule of consistency. Thing is i Have a single day that i will always post a blog post on because the rest of the week in uncertain. So use a bloody calendar!
Mistake 11: Anayliticals
Basically focusing on past information can harm your blog, move forward by looking into new fields.
Mistkae 12: subs
Yeah its a problem i have on my blog that despite the views i have i don`t have a single follower on this blog. So if you like this content please follow. So yeah heres the link and i`m gonna go.