Blog Archive

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Hey guys whats up princessprt here! anyway so i was on youtube. when i saw a video. Truth be told after i watched it  i got mad truth be told. Heres the Link. also video is on the top of the blog post. Now understand this i am trying to become a youtuber. I have not had a single claim on my youtube videos. So some claims i can understand. But some companies claims are getting out of hand. from claim even 1 second of material or someone else`s material all together. They basically try and take away your stuff from you if they think they can. So now theres a online sort of war going on. Between youtube creators and companies. Companies that make claims from youtubers can wait 30-60 days after you reply or after the complaint is filled out. Not very bad...but heres the kicker. THE COMPANY WHO FILES A CLAIM CAN AND WILL EARN YOUR YOUTUBE VIDEO REVENUE!!!!Heck i think they`re going after people who they think can actually earn something. Can you take a guess who i`m pissed at?
So heres how i see it....Companies who make claims on videos that are protected by youtube rights and know this and keep going after them. This is a form of Harassment that should not be tolerated by anyone. anyway so Please post #WTFU and link back to videos and watch them. Also one of the people who is being Attacked by the same companies and even different ones has posted a online petition.
Which is here! Anyway please sign it and Remember we need YOUR help to make a change. Every person makes a difference! SO GO SPEARD THE WORD AND SAVE THE YOUTUBERS!!!

Youtube Highway Robbery

days been good

So heres whats up.
Days been good so far.
Math was lil bit hard. So im taking math tutoring.
English was WIERD. Also worest writing prompt ever. We watched a good movie though that we are still on.
Contemporary issues, they forgot to deliever the newspaper so we used old news papers.
Lunch, i found out im the only one of my friends to want to be in the talent show...but i might sing...
Spanish, wifi was a big old butt. had to finnish rest of spanish during 5th because i ran out of time.
In my computer drafting 2 class i finnished my spanish, Worked on a drawing, edited printing it out because it didnt work 1st two times. Also watched some youtube, listening to music, and looking at a idea i had.
Anyway so im in tutoring and i asked the teacher to help me in 1.3 section cause i missed the entire week we learned that. Right now just sitting here waiting....and ya...see ya`ll later