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1. Pokemon Fat Kid
This is more towards the fact i`ve played it for a bit and i will say the graphics are stunning, it has new and cool concepts. Plus some comedic and other factors in it. I will definetly try to do a run through of this game some time.
2. Pokemon Wally
I really like games that let you play as either the enemy to the main character in the pokemon cannon story arc or either a friend or a random npc. Cant wait to play this one.
3. Pokemon Dark Realm
What can i say? I really Like good story arcs and concepts.
4. Any Pokemon Fangame where you play as Team Rocket
My favorite Villian Team is Team Rocket Followed by Team Plasma and then Galactic.
5. Pokemon Insurgence
I`m going to say that this is pretty cool and i do want to do a series but one where its basically a group nuzlocke run. Probably going to die within the first 5 minutes of the game though
6. Pokemon Mirage of Tales
It allows you to choose your own profession and you get different story arcs depending on it...This makes me happy.
7. Pokemon Dark Rising Series
Its a series of Fan games that are really cool
8. Pokemon Order and Chaos
I have no Words
9. Pokemon Eclipse
Its interesting
10. Pokemon Red Frost
its cool story arc