Hey guys princessprt here and before we get into the topic at hand I wanted to inform you guys that the blog schedule is a definite blog post on Thursday. So if I. Blog about stuff other than that it's completely based on my mood and things that may have come up. On to the topic of hand. I'll begin this with are you pro choice or life. Pro choice means allowing pregnant women to abort their children while pro life is taking that Choice away. While it isn't a big issue on the news where I am. I'm just going to state this. After carefully examining the facts. I am on the side of pro choice. Fact is abortion can be a good thing. Abortion means preventing pregnant women from having a child. Reasons for abortion vary. Only thing I have a problem with abortion are those few doctors who decided to abort a pregnant women's babies without asking them and perhaps never telling them unless asked. This is a bad issue with the doctor cause there are alot of reasons why and if they aren't good enough then they actually murdered a unborn child. This would be considered abortion without a choice which I don't agree with. Abortion by choice is something I can understand. It can be a dangerous thing for both sides if the baby is not aborted. For example if a doctor gave a couple a low chance of the baby and mother suviving birth at say 1-2% abortion would be a likely road. Abortion while killing a unborn child could do more good than most think. Baby births sometimes threaten the mother and some times it can be a problem if the baby were formed in the first place. Fact is that pro life supporters are trying to take away a choice that can end well for the parents because it kills an unborn child. Listen unless you are a mother of a child you gave birth to or are pregnant, leave. This affects the women's bodies. Leave this discussion to them because if not you are stepping on thin ice. Simply because you don't have this experience and yet act like you do or you know everything on this topic. Doctors who do abortions are not concerned with the unborn baby but with the patient. Doctors who suggest abortion think it's in best health. Low chance of survival at birth for both of them. If your not a mother or pregnant, just remember that this is their bodies. Don't tell them what to do with it. You will seem like a asshole. You will seem like you are trying to control this part of their lives. Leave the conversation. It's up to these women about what they do. Your just trying to peer pressure them into what you want. Remember , their bodies, their rules. Now I'm gonna take my own advice and leave the conversation.
Blog Archive
Friday, February 23, 2018
Talking about the School shootings solutions
Hey guys princessprt here and First lets talk about school shootings or more preferably ideas on how to prevent and or protect the students. Lets Start with the metal Detectors. Metal Detectors would detect metals on a student or visitor. There are various problems with this idea. There are various school supplies that have metal on them. Such as a number two pencil, Calculator, Binders, and alot more depending on what you got. Another thing is alot of kids now have phones to contact parents in any emergencies. Long story short it wouldn`t work unless you change several industries into using a different thing and they may not wind up doing it. Enforcing laws idea. Do i even know where to begin. Well first off how about its a medium idea. Partially bad but partially good. First off There are alot of laws that are in use and enforced. At the same time, its bad because the person who is doing the shooting isn`t obeying the laws. Making more doesn`t mean they`ll obey it. Next idea is Performing Active Shooter drills. More speicific than your hiding in the class room. Simply put its an excerise made to get students better prepared against it. I honestly like this idea. Simply put the kids have to run through a drill of what would happen if an active shooter attacked. This idea would probably take some resources and some time, but for safety it would be a good idea. I suggest at least doing it at a miniumum of once a month. Next thing is well a bunch of objects. Reinforced windows and doors that would be bullet proof would be an amazing thing. It could stop bullets from reaching its victmns. Another thing is that if the attacker were to try and break down either one, it would not work. Buying time and possibly saving lives. Another item would be a reinforced lock incase the one on the window or door were to fail. Good now onto the next object on this list is recruiting trained personnel. While hiring Ex-military would be an amazing step. I want to add on by saying that the school should allow and possible enforce the teachers to have carry-on firearm weapons and licenses. If not hire the ex-military and do it where they patrol the halls. Fun fact the next item on the list is what i wanted to add. Arm the teachers with firearms. Those that do should be given a payraise for ammo, keeping the gun in good condition, and keeping the carry firearm license. Next thing is publicize consquences. First off let me state this, If you are attacked, anything and everything can be a weapon if you have the knowledge to be able to do so. Any chemicals from cleaners to sugar can be used. Also warning i`m about to rant that could enrage people so you have been warned. Trump who in opinion is a pretty good president so far, suggested allowing teachers to carry firearms to school to prevent school shootings. I mean come on, there is a town that has A large precentage of people who have licenses to carry fire arm, They have a low crime rate. So before you ask, gun control is the issue, the problem is people don`t have more licenses to carry because everyone is to fluffy to even think about that information. These Fluffy people think because criminals use guns and weapons that what they use is the problem. To thoose fluffy people out there, The entire problem is that your forcing probelms for thoose who decide to get a firearms carry license. Causing less and less of them to get guns and weapons to protect themselves. None of you think about banning knives if someone is stabbed by one. Because its a commonly used object. Several criminals use undercover ways or even just plan out steal other people`s weapons to harm others with. The fact is trump is right, you want your kids safe? There are a multude of ways to protect them, Arming teachers who have the goal of keeping your children safe makes their job more efficent because Criminals, although they carry guns, don`t want to get shot. So Arming Teachers with guns and allowing them to bring it on campus for the safety of others may infact help. Hiring Ex military and Ex cops with a Fire arm carry license and allowing them to carry on campus will also help. Fact is Trump is Seeing these results and i can see that the problem is that these shooters don`t want to Listen to the gun free zone. The fact is that this zone that we had build to protect, is now possibly preventing us from properly defending the lastest generation. So instead, It would turn into Do not go into school with a gun, there are many people who will deal with thoose that do. The Simple fact is that we should push Firearm Carrying licenses because pushing it will cause crime to drop. Its actually a Proven fact. To the tweet that state that selling guns to prevent gun violence, yes and no. Trump wants to arm and train teachers to protect the students more efficently while publicizing it. Reason why is because the more people realize oh theres armed personnel over there who would shoot if the students in their classroom were in danger, the more likely they`ll aviod confrontation with these people. You students may have done research, but it was not well done. To the tweet using the armed guard at parkland yet 17 died, the fact is that your talking about a single person, trump is talking about arming multiple people. Also while being a big school, There is still the possibility that the guard was on another end of the school. That is a weak excuse. There are multiple ways that could have gone down. Fact is that Using that statement is weak, The point of where this guard is could be anywhere, also Gun shots echo. Meaning the guard had no idea until a shot was already fired. This statement is used as the person assumes that the guard was on the scene and knew what was going on. Hindsight is 20/20 person. The same tweet stated that trained police only hit a target 18% of the time in a gunfight. 18% is better than nothing. So moving on, like stated before, Metal detectors could caude hinderance instead of safety. Also theres a very racist tweet, Whose ending part of the tweet was "But work to Criminalize kids of colour" How is that criminializing kids of colour?!? Back When segeration was a thing, military had to be brought in for the kids Safety. Again can someone explain to me how it is criminalizing kids of colour, because this tweeter is a racist bullshitter, because there was not a single thing about Race or GOD DAMN SKIN COLOUR. I can only handle dealing with discrimination so much. Racisism and Discrimination sincerly piss me off. Being Racist is a Complete pointless and infact counter productive thing to be. Discrimination is something that wastes time and causes more problems than its worth. Also to store`s that sell guns such as bbs to anything. They require Background checks before purchase. If not and you can buy it immediatly, it means that the issue that they didn`t do the background check in the first place and that should be enforced. Trump is not underminning it he is trying to stop gun violence. Ok done with my ranting. Anyway guys i will see you later, Please for safety of children Allow teachers to carry firearms on school campuses so they can effectively protect kids, cause even if its a low chance of shooting them, the shooter could get shot, fight back or run off because they just found out that the teachers were armed. Best thing about trumps plan, is that publicizing that the teachers are armed or there are armed guards (multiple armed guards) will probably if not most definetly decrease the said likely hood of a school shooting.
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