Anyway So Thought i would suggest some Punishment,50/50, and boost Cards
- 1D6 Trader. Roll a 1D6 and choose another player. The Winner and the Victmn must trade the pokemon in that slot.
- Game Rotation. The Players must Trade off their Game Save Files each recording in either clockwise or counter clockwise rotation, This ends when each player has back their save files.
- Weather Danger. One Player of choice is constantly affected by randomized weather
- Mirror World. Play the game by reflection of a mirror upside down
- Blinded me- Play the Game blind folded
- The Flip side- Play the game using goggles that makes everything upside down
- Drunken State- Play the Game either drunk or using Drunken Goggles
- Slow Down- Play the game on the slowest of all settings
- Lucky Ball- A Ball which the GM or the game master of the series chooses what will happen once it has been opened.
- Fair Spilt- Winner forces everyone else to collect their points or money together and spilt it evenly among themselves, the winner is excluded from this.