hey, guys princessprt here and today I will talk about several hopes and dreams about Pokemon sun/moon. So let's get this party started!
First off a lot of people`s favorite thing, walking with your Pokemon. A hacker whose name I can`t seem to recall discovered some background items, walking, sitting, standing and running animations for all Pokemon.
By the way, new Pokemon were promised by Pokemon so they may be more aloan forms, legendaries, or even new Pokemon even all together.
Next up from the Ultra sun and moon trailer I believe we are going to get a better customization trainer thing and I really hope so.
Where is Lillie in this game?
More Storyline and Exploration of The Ultra Beast`s World.
Will there be shadow Pokemon?
Access to every single region with full world exploration and with cool side quests and cool main quests and storyline.
Definitely more Shinies
More Legendary Pokemon events.
Less Legendary Giveaways
Add the choices Hard, Normal, Easy, Nuzlocke and More/Different Pokemon challenges
How about all the trainers in the game evolve with each battle.
The Starter can deny being your Pokemon based on your choices. The Starter`s preferences are randomly generated.
Also, i think it would be really cool if you could choose different jobs you could do besides being a trainer.
Well, that's all I got, I will see you guys later!