Blog Archive

Friday, May 20, 2016

waiting in the school office

so I pretty much had a brain fart. Spanish and math test is Monday. Anyway so right now waiting on mom. Decided to pitch ideas about the area under the stairs. Main stair ways get crowded fast but that space is always empty. So I will see ya'll later, bye.

List of Gamejolt games i`m gonna wind up recording later that i havent downloaded yet

Pokemon paper Craft

Click here for link to the images

Good Morning everyone!

Princessprt here and today is sucky. Math test today and mommy is acting like i am going to fail. Mom was asking me questions about Wi-Fi that I would not know because I have not tried. Then I have Spanish test after school today. Anyway so new video should be up but YouTube is acting weird but it will pass. Nine Lives has good graphics but is not exactly straight forward on what needs to be done, have to figure out controls on your own. No back story so far. Still gonna play it map needs to be better. Looks like you have to explore the whole world to uncover everything and to be able to have the whole map. Also battle alot. You have up to 26 skill slots for everything. So think carefully about your character before deciding. See ya'll later, bye.