Blog Archive

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

#WTFU #WheresTheFairUse? #MakeYoutubeGreatAgain

Fellow People who go on the internet! I need your help! Petition #WTFU has not been answered! Several youtubers who can not wait until youtube answers to us! They have begun to ban Countries these Companies dewell in because of their abuse of the unfair rules! Youtubes Fair use policy Is NOT True for thoose who make a living off of youtube. Youtubers have been getting money stolen from them because of the abuse these companies take. So Please Go Visit #WTFU and MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!! Youtube needs to answer why they are doing this and Why wont they make a stand for youtubers? Do they not see the unfairness? How some companies are abusing this power because of their money hungery greed! We need someone to make a a stand! We need Everyone to Raise their voice! We Will Be Heard!! Spread the word! Make the News Resonate and Spread. Youtubes Fair use Policy Isnt Fair for Youtubers making a living! Please we need to get this petition to spread. #wtfu

I may be going to a Con!

Hey guys whats up? I`m so excited i maybe going to a con this saturday.
Guess what i`m going as?
Well Its Undertale themed....and will mostly be based on what i have at the moment.
*looks in closet*
Cause i got nothing else for any other undertale character.
But my sweater needs strips....DUCT TAPE TIME!!!
...Wish me luck...

New Calendar Update

16th- Anime Club and Math Tutoring After school
17th- St. Patricks Day,Math Quiz, Hair Cut after school
18th- End of 3rd Quarter
23rd- Anime Club and Math Tutoring After school
24th- Report Cards
25th- No School
25th to 27th- Vacation W/ Grandparents, Cousins, Aunts, and uncles.
27th- Head back, also EASTER Sunday!!!
28th to 31st- Spring Break!!!!
30th- College Tour with mom
1st- Apirl fools day
6th- College Tour School Field Trip
16th- Prom for Juniors and Seniors
27- Last Report Cards. Also NO MORE SCHOOL!!!