Blog Archive
Monday, June 26, 2017
Saturday, June 24, 2017
Monday Video Game choices
Hey, guys princessprt here and here is a list of games I think I may play for Monday videos for awhile. Please remember to show some support so I can continue to make content and also improve the content. Look on Patreon for Goals that we need to reach. The highest goal is close to 4,000 dollars but also gets us a nice gaming computer that we can use to record more videos and better content.
- definetly a series
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Youtube Channel video Schedule
hey, guys princessprt here and today I thought about talking about the new schedule for videos.
So for right now and onward, every Friday is Pokemon planet Friday. I sort of wanna keep the Monday, Wednesday, and Friday thing. However, I`m not sure what I want to do for Monday or Wednesday. So I guess I`ll do a suggestion thing later on but for right now the only Pokemon planet. Anyway, I will see you guys later!
Sunday, June 18, 2017
Patreon Update
Hey, guys princessprt here and today is an update day. So First Off the Patreon`s Page has been finished. So now the Goals are up to date. I`ll Give you the Goal list on here.
- 300- Graphic Design Profesional kit
- 350- 3D Printer
- 800- Hive Vr Headset /w Controllers
- 3,500- New Laptop
- 200- Table
- 3,100- Gaming Desktop
- 48- Desktop Keyboard
- 10-Desktop Stereo
Tuesday, June 13, 2017
Pokemon Ultra Sun/Moon Hopes and Dreams
hey, guys princessprt here and today I will talk about several hopes and dreams about Pokemon sun/moon. So let's get this party started!
First off a lot of people`s favorite thing, walking with your Pokemon. A hacker whose name I can`t seem to recall discovered some background items, walking, sitting, standing and running animations for all Pokemon.
By the way, new Pokemon were promised by Pokemon so they may be more aloan forms, legendaries, or even new Pokemon even all together.
Next up from the Ultra sun and moon trailer I believe we are going to get a better customization trainer thing and I really hope so.
Where is Lillie in this game?
More Storyline and Exploration of The Ultra Beast`s World.
Will there be shadow Pokemon?
Access to every single region with full world exploration and with cool side quests and cool main quests and storyline.
Definitely more Shinies
More Legendary Pokemon events.
Less Legendary Giveaways
Add the choices Hard, Normal, Easy, Nuzlocke and More/Different Pokemon challenges
How about all the trainers in the game evolve with each battle.
The Starter can deny being your Pokemon based on your choices. The Starter`s preferences are randomly generated.
Also, i think it would be really cool if you could choose different jobs you could do besides being a trainer.
Well, that's all I got, I will see you guys later!
First off a lot of people`s favorite thing, walking with your Pokemon. A hacker whose name I can`t seem to recall discovered some background items, walking, sitting, standing and running animations for all Pokemon.
By the way, new Pokemon were promised by Pokemon so they may be more aloan forms, legendaries, or even new Pokemon even all together.
Next up from the Ultra sun and moon trailer I believe we are going to get a better customization trainer thing and I really hope so.
Where is Lillie in this game?
More Storyline and Exploration of The Ultra Beast`s World.
Will there be shadow Pokemon?
Access to every single region with full world exploration and with cool side quests and cool main quests and storyline.
Definitely more Shinies
More Legendary Pokemon events.
Less Legendary Giveaways
Add the choices Hard, Normal, Easy, Nuzlocke and More/Different Pokemon challenges
How about all the trainers in the game evolve with each battle.
The Starter can deny being your Pokemon based on your choices. The Starter`s preferences are randomly generated.
Also, i think it would be really cool if you could choose different jobs you could do besides being a trainer.
Well, that's all I got, I will see you guys later!
Monday, June 12, 2017
Pokemon Ultra Sun/Moon, Princessprt guesses
hey, guys princessprt here and today or well this morning or tonight, whichever. I will be talking about Pokemon Ultra Sun and moon. So as you guys probably know or don`t know I grew up playing the Pokemon games. As always we are getting a part 2 to Pokemon Sun/Moon. Now from the title we can see that Nebby, yes I'm referring to cosmog`s game name, Looks a lot different. Now Let me just point out that Nebby is an ultra beast and In Aloha it`s legendaries are the tapus, Zygrade, and Necrozma. I`m not talking giveaways here. Now Necrozma is the legendary Pokemon that light bounces off of or in short it's similar to a crystal or a mirror. Now, May I point out that in Pokemon sun/moon we saw one of the ultra beasts whose name I can`t think of possessing Lumusices, I think I spelled her name wrong or I was completely off. Not only that but on the side quest after the main story line with the champion thing, We find out that Pokemon to can be possessed by these mysterious creatures. The Question is that can ultra beasts possess each other. I don`t think so, but I don`t have proof in that theory. Plus Pokemon has made it known that with an item like in Pokemon black/white 2 you can fuse those legendaries. Question is, will they repeat? I don`t think so as stated in the previous game that ultra beasts can possess the power to possess other living creatures. Again the reminder is Nebby is an Ultra Beast. So it`s entirely possible for Nebby to possess other living things. So My guess for the front picture is that Nebby possessed Necrozma in one of two of his final forms. How Does it happen, why does it happen, what caused nebby to do this, When in the game story does this happen (before, After, or during), Who are the bad guys, when will shadow Pokemon return? Yeah still waiting to see shadow Pokemon in some newer games. Welp anyway, So as said in the title I think this game is gonna focus a little bit more onto the ultra beasts since in Pokemon sun/moon the backgrounds and all that were given. Also, side notes the game is said to be released on November 17, 2017. So another Pokemon Christmas? Also Is there a Pokemon war going on? Look in the description of the game. Also, more forms coming soon. I will probably wait until November to do the last update on it.
Friday, June 9, 2017
Ad Sense Announcing Ad Apocayplse End???
Hey, guys princessprt here with some great news but also some really bad news. As always let's start off with bad news. It has been confirmed unless some things come into play I will be moving next month. Even if we can pay this next month`s rent, we won`t be able to afford the bills. We got to downsize a lot. It has been a really rough time since mom passed last Sunday. Anyway onto the topic at hand and then onto the good news. The Ad Apocalypse may be coming to a close and thus starts the war between ads and ad blockers. As you guys know ads can be engaging and helpful but not all the time. Adsense and another group have worked together to create standards for ads. Plus now adblockers are useless. You can either look at the ads or pay a small fee to get rid of the ads. When does it start? Next month. It`s because their beta testing and working policies out. So Next year they say they can help bring the ad apocalypse to an end. Now onto my good news. I currently have some new equipment coming in to create better quality content. If I can get over 2000 dollars I can get some more equipment I need to improve content. Also, I do plan on getting the servers it`s taking awhile because of things happening in life. Anyway, i will see you guys later.
Just Opened an Etsy Shop
Hey guys I just opened an Etsy shop called princessprt. Currently i`m selling Rainbow Loom Necklaces, Bracelets, Rings. and key chains, Earings, Digital Posters. Hardy Candy Cotton Candy, and other stuff is coming soon go check it out!
Tuesday, June 6, 2017
Its not Pokemon star...ITS POKEMON ULTRA SUN/MOON
hey, guys princessprt here with the latest scope...or well not depends if anyone else has done this yet. Anyway, Pokemon has announced its newest game coming soon. Now for those of you who thought Pokemon Eclipse and star was going to happen. The names are wrong but in a sense yes. Also, side note, the pokken tournament is coming to Nintendo switch soon. It launches worldwide on November 17, 2017. The legendary Pokemon look similar to Pokemon White/ Black 2. So I think Pokemon fusions are coming in the future.
Sunday, June 4, 2017
I need some time and space
Hey, guys princessprt here and today, On June 4th, 2017 at 4-5 am my Mom passed away. It doesn`t feel real it hurts a lot. It's like I'm numb on the inside but I can still feel the pain. Oh yeah, I'll be working on getting videos made and put out but it`ll be awhile I just need time. We are currently having to go through her items. We still need to decide what she wears when she is buried which my dad left the choice to me. We need to contact the rest of the family members. We need to sort through her stuff, on what to keep what to throw out, what to give away and other things. It hurts a lot now that she isn`t here. either way, it goes I need to head out I'll see you guys later!
Saturday, June 3, 2017
Cool Pokemon Games Hopes and Dream- part 2 No rant i promise
Hey guys princessprt here and sorry for the rant last time. Also, it was pretty late when I wrote it.Anyway So, after some thought I figured why not some story ideas. Because no offense but Pokemon has kinda been in a loop besides side games. First off we`ve never had our character go through Pokemon school to which a fan game called Pokemon Academy has that covered. Can`t wait till its finished guys! I really want to record it when I get the chance. Next off is that we never started the game off in a bad situation or as the bad guy. There are multiple cool Pokemon fan games that cover that as well. We`ve only been able to start off as a Pokemon trainer aiming for the Pokemon championship aside from some side games. It would be cool to try and play with different Pokemon jobs, as far as I know, theres some cool Pokemon games where you can choose what to become or are based on certain Pokemon jobs. As far as I know, nurse joy isn`t a choice in those games or has a Pokemon game after the job....Wow So basically all the Pokemon fans have beaten the Pokemon company to some good story ideas. What about horror stories or different things like that. Yep Pokemon fan games have that covered. So I wonder what else there is we can do for story wise. There are a million different desired features but the story does matter a lot. So no offense but the fans have gotten the mainline games beat. Peta even made some cool Pokemon games that made some excellent points. There's a lot of cool fan games. Not including pixelmon anyway. Well i guess i can`t really talk about cool games since all the bases are covered by fans.
Cool Pokemon Game Hopes and Dreams- Part 1: The Rant (sorry for this)
Hey guys princessprt here and today, if you haven't seen my rant on Pokemon stars, go check it out, btw it hasn`t been confirmed and mostly likely will not be happening anytime this year. Anway back to the topic I said at the end of It i would talk about a cool game idea or two. I guess i could start with Story ideas and features. Now i`m not including fangames which BTW are awesomely made and i did plan on playing quite a few before stuff happened and now it`ll be a few months before I can possibly record again and maybe even longer. it`s saddening. Anyway So first i guess I could talk about how Pokemon is considered an RPG even though it's basically a junior RPG because granted you can choose what Pokemon you have and the name and all that but in the end is it really a RPG, your stuck in a story arc where you decisions don`t even alter the outcome. The goal of all the mainline games is for you to become the champion. Now Before you say about any of the side items, the game ending only comes when you have defeated the champion. In Pokemon sun and moon, other people could battle you for that title and I thought it was epic. Sad thing is that no matter what you`re stuck on the same path over and over. It's kinda getting old. Yeah, it's nice to be able to do other things but it's just something to play with until you decide to continue down the road you started on. Not only that but can you really choose what to say. Sorry if it seems like a rant but it just seems like the mainline Pokemon games are stuck in an endless cycle. The Pokemon Ranger side games and the other things such as the Pokemon tournament were cool things but they aren`t considered main games. It's sad that those side games have more of an RPG element than Pokemon Mainline games. I am not including Pokemon fan games in this rant because they do beat off the beaten trail with various items and have even more RPG elements in them. Hey don`t get me wrong I love playing Pokemon games, grew up on them. It's a little bit sad to take a step back and realize that the Pokemon company`s fans are creating better original content than the Pokemon company itself even though they credit the Pokemon company and request that people who play their Pokemon fangames to go support the Pokemon company and all rights remain with the Pokemon company. I`ll be honest I was kinda pissed when I had to stop using one of my favorite online sites because the Pokemon fan games weren`t allowed even though they had some of the same things for several other shows. kinda makes me curious as to why that the Pokemon fan games had to be taken down but other show`s fan games weren`t. Granted the Pokemon fan game area was really big and had a lot of good content. Now the games I wanted to play on there are back but during the time they were down, I had to hunt down various other means to find them. Now I can record them on the channel again which btw I`ll be doing an announcement while playing and which games I'll play on certain days and record. For the moment in time, nothing will be played until I can get some things setup. Anyway, so, I guess this was part 1 and was a really big rant. Whoops. Sorry about that, Didn`t mean for it to happen. Anyway, I gotta go I`ll see you guys later!
Pokemon Stars
Hey, guys princessprt here and today I will be talking about Pokemon stars. Pokemon`s New Nintendo switch game. In short, it's several years later after the Pokemon sun and moon game. So before i begin i guess I'll talk about the Nintendo switch. Now the Nintendo switch is several game consoles in one. No offense but i usually wait until a Pokemon game has been announced for the console before i think about buying it. Plus Nintendo Switch doesn`t seem that appealing to me, granted i don`t have that many Pokemon Wii games even though i own a Wii. I have like 2 games that i was playing and its basically be collecting dust. So before i go off ranting i guess I`ll be talking about the pokemon star. First, off it's, a supposedly leaked title and i say supposedly because we though Pokemon z was around the corner, it wasn't. So I'm kinda skeptical that the game may even come into play and even so they`ll more than likely use a good portion of the same Pokemon sun and moon code for reasons. So, i guess I'll start with some of the leaks. When will this game probably be leaked out? Let`s face it the Pokemon industry whether or not this game will come to be or not will more than likely produce a game to be released mid 2017-mid 2018. Is there truly a Pokemon Stars in the making? Maybe, A lot of hints point to it... same could be said for Pokemon Z. What would more than likely be in Pokemon stars? Better graphics meaning looking great in constant 3d. Plus Possibly more customizations for the character and better character animations. Problems? There's constantly 1 screen to which you can change from a tablet to a tv. So no more double screen for the next few games. And yes they confirmed there will be a couple more games besides a rumored Pokemon stars. So the UI will need to be rethought and recoded to fit one screen to which might i suggest doing a screen similar to Persona 5. Plus it's also a touchscreen. The tablet screen i mean. Plus there are the controllers that throw in an interesting aspect or two. Plus Pokemon didn`t guarantee a mainline game so there may be in fact several side games like Pokemon Ranger, Pokemon guardians, or even Pokemon tournament, you get the idea. So we may not even be getting Pokemon stars. No confirmed new Pokemon, There hasn`t been any confirmed new Pokemon. Plus some of the mysterious Pokemon who stories aren`t answered in the games are usually confronted in the anime. The reverse is sometimes the same and sometimes not.
Next post I'll talk about some game ideas that would be pretty cool!
Next post I'll talk about some game ideas that would be pretty cool!
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