Blog Archive
Monday, February 26, 2018
Reacting to 12 blogging mistakes- Blog form
Mistake Number 1: You think of Ideas in a vaccum
Like i mentioned before, this is a blog post aimed at business blogs. This mistake right here while i don`t really put into affect i can understand and it is actually an issue. For Example if you have a great idea to post something. Try and Save it for another time or a Scheduled Blog posting time. Reason why is because you can easily overload your followers and you can Dry yourself up because you decided to post something that could have waited later.
Mistake Number 2: Your Writing is too Stiff
So this is an actual issue which can be resolved by trying to write like you talk. Its a serious issue because your readers can get bored or even get overwhelmed when you do. Remember Writing is a form of Communicating or talking. Even if it isn`t used in school, write like you talk.
Mistake Number 3: You think people care about you as the writer.
Ok I`m just going to say this now i laughed alot because until you hit it big time as a Famous person, no one really cares about listening in. Granted its helpful to blog about it but remember you probably won`t get feedback on it. The Solution the website listed was Show your personalty don`t tell it. basically its putting yourself into the blog such as showing your point of view on matters.
Mistkae Number 4: Your topics are to broad.
Yes i know i mispelled mistake but not going to correct it. A Basical Solution to this is getting creative with the titles or even using a title or idea generator. Seen mistakes like this happen before but haven`t really had any trouble with it
Mistake Number 5: Your Writing is a Brain dump
Basically its stating that blog posts need an outline of some sort. Thing is about this mistake is that you have to customily make it every single time. It can be exhausting sometimes because you have to sort out a bunch of information into a outline or give it some sort of structure.
Mistake 6&7: No evidence
If you can`t tell i`m shortening the headers because i didn`t feel like it because i just realised i have 6 hours until school and Its to late to back out now. But basically i can see where this mistake is coming from. The Person in a said blog would post something where they used evidence or a Quote or something and forgot to link it back to its source. In my bog posts i just turn the evidence or the Quote or what ever it is into the link to save time and space. But basically Show your resources otherwise it appears as if your making a biased claim with no evidence to support it and its completely pointless to others because it appears as an opinion rather than a fact. These two are so close together they are similar, yet different.
Mistake 8: Your not done
Basically once you`be written your piece you then have to go through the proccess of editing said piece, I guess i could show you guys how to do it if you want, but comment that down or don`t i`m certain there`s a how to guide out there you can use. It usually takes 30 minutes minum to edit a piece because you have to spell check it, grammar check it, Input your resource and evidence links, Sort the information into an outline, and theres a giant outline and more sutff you can use on your blog to make it better
Mistkae 9: Perfectionist aren`t good
In Blogging Trying to make your blog post perfect isn`t nesscary and probably will waste your time. Reason why is because nothing is perfect. Trying to be perfect will not work. Rule i follow is check it three times max before posting.
Mistake 10: Blogging consistenly
I think this was mentioned before but i`m to lazy to scroll up. Its important to have a Blog post schedule of consistency. Thing is i Have a single day that i will always post a blog post on because the rest of the week in uncertain. So use a bloody calendar!
Mistake 11: Anayliticals
Basically focusing on past information can harm your blog, move forward by looking into new fields.
Mistkae 12: subs
Yeah its a problem i have on my blog that despite the views i have i don`t have a single follower on this blog. So if you like this content please follow. So yeah heres the link and i`m gonna go.
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Update or not?
Anyway into some of the updates. So Erm, Things have come up and it looks like i`ll be pushing recording videos back, right now i have some videos pre-recorded for you guys. So i hope you`ll enjoy that content while i try to get next week`s videos ready. So I was thinking of Doing an A-Z video with a Twist you guys will find out later. Maybe do a Video of Day in the life of me. It kinda depends on what content i think you guys will like and what i want to do. Oh yeah i`ll be doing a Blog post on some old dead websites that were amazingly cool and i actually really miss. Perhaps i`ll run a contest for something. I do want to do Interviews for people in different careers. I was thinking of posting some short storys on here but not to sure. I am working on making my stance videos starting with redoing the Why Chocolate milk should be in school. Perhaps I will do a Blog post based on some projects i mentioned in the past about working on. I also was thinking of doing What If posts. Maybe i`ll talk about why i started blogging, being a youtuber, or trying to become a graphic designer. Also while typing this i realised a greate contest would be asking you guys to create Error 404 pages. I will probably do a blog post on this contest later. Maybe i would write blog post poems. Perhaps blogging about some blog or youtube things? Also Another thing is that I currently plan on just setting up the etsy online shop for online things and will probably move on from that when it takes off, if it ever opens. Currently Six Computer wallpapers Are being created as we speak. Also i was thinking of making a Pokemon Tabletop video on how character creation would work for a game that will be coming up. Also if you guys know me from deviant art your probably familar with gray stone, wolfie bluemoon, lion tree, and green moon to which i will probably do a blog post where they talk to you guys. Also Maybe doing a reaction post to some stuff but basically yeah. Anyway i gotta go. Please fill out the form up top. I will do a reaction post to it in...say a week.
Saturday, February 24, 2018
What Would I do for 2 Fun days
The Next Day would be a Completely Relax Day. Visting the hole in the wall long horns cafe for breakfast would be an awesome breakfast. Visiting the Chattanooga Library would be amazing. Having a Moment at the Spa. Afterwards Riding around town in a horse drawn cardiage is awesome and so relaxing. Then Visiting the Ymca to swim in the pool and soak in the hot tub. For lunch lets visit visit Kuraba`s for some good food. Have an hour with out electronics to relax. Bake either some cookies, cupcakes, or Cake.Then lets watch a home movie. Go out on a Drive and see where you end up. Then listen to Relaxing Music while doing yoga. Swing on a playground swing. Visit the Tea house and Try to find a tea i like. Colour in Some Coloring books. Get a Massage. Watch Some Zoo and Aqaurium Exhibit Cameras. Go for a walk and get a plant. Do some crafts. Then go to the sushi place near clumpies and coolidge park for Sushi. Then Take a Shower and head to bed.
[Please note that this is an What If, Meaning i Probably wouldn`t be able to get all of this done in one day, but its fun to imagine]
Ibotta the app
Friday, February 23, 2018
Talking about pro life and pro choice.
Hey guys princessprt here and before we get into the topic at hand I wanted to inform you guys that the blog schedule is a definite blog post on Thursday. So if I. Blog about stuff other than that it's completely based on my mood and things that may have come up. On to the topic of hand. I'll begin this with are you pro choice or life. Pro choice means allowing pregnant women to abort their children while pro life is taking that Choice away. While it isn't a big issue on the news where I am. I'm just going to state this. After carefully examining the facts. I am on the side of pro choice. Fact is abortion can be a good thing. Abortion means preventing pregnant women from having a child. Reasons for abortion vary. Only thing I have a problem with abortion are those few doctors who decided to abort a pregnant women's babies without asking them and perhaps never telling them unless asked. This is a bad issue with the doctor cause there are alot of reasons why and if they aren't good enough then they actually murdered a unborn child. This would be considered abortion without a choice which I don't agree with. Abortion by choice is something I can understand. It can be a dangerous thing for both sides if the baby is not aborted. For example if a doctor gave a couple a low chance of the baby and mother suviving birth at say 1-2% abortion would be a likely road. Abortion while killing a unborn child could do more good than most think. Baby births sometimes threaten the mother and some times it can be a problem if the baby were formed in the first place. Fact is that pro life supporters are trying to take away a choice that can end well for the parents because it kills an unborn child. Listen unless you are a mother of a child you gave birth to or are pregnant, leave. This affects the women's bodies. Leave this discussion to them because if not you are stepping on thin ice. Simply because you don't have this experience and yet act like you do or you know everything on this topic. Doctors who do abortions are not concerned with the unborn baby but with the patient. Doctors who suggest abortion think it's in best health. Low chance of survival at birth for both of them. If your not a mother or pregnant, just remember that this is their bodies. Don't tell them what to do with it. You will seem like a asshole. You will seem like you are trying to control this part of their lives. Leave the conversation. It's up to these women about what they do. Your just trying to peer pressure them into what you want. Remember , their bodies, their rules. Now I'm gonna take my own advice and leave the conversation.
Talking about the School shootings solutions
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Flutter heart and Alicorns
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Whats going on guys
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Personal Problems
Friday, February 16, 2018
Why flurry heart is genetically an alicorn
Hey guys princessprt here and I will be explaining why flurry is by genes a alicorn alright pull out your biology books. Or look at the geniverse game, you'll understand why soon enough. So let's look at her parents. Cause you can now guess why. Shining armor is a unicorn. Cadence is an alicorn who is said to be a descendant of princess amore the crystal kingdoms unicorn princess. So by using pudants square there was a 50% chance of a unicorn, 25 percent of an alicorn or a peagsus. That's by genes. Btw even if a unicorn became a alicorn by gaining a wings it would still change her dna or be a shock to her systems. Im changing the topic from flurry to twlight. We all know twlight gained her wings through magic. These wings are made of flesh and blood. Meaning twlights blood circulation had to change, her bone structure had to change, her whole body changed including dna. Which makes me a little more terrified of Celestia. Celestia was able to do this alone. She knew enough biology and science to do this. She was able to nitpick dna. So now we have a Luna whose magically stronger but Celestia can do dinner and quicker details. which raises the question of how. Oh also I'm not stating how cadence has her wings cause I'm not sure.
Sunday, February 11, 2018
Minecraft game labs
Hey guys princessprt here and I wanted to talk about a series I actually wanted to start on making some day soon. But basically. It's what the title is. Where basically re making games and TV shows into Minecraft. Anyway I will see you all later
Friday, February 9, 2018
Cool s'mores
Thursday, February 8, 2018
What my YouTube studio is telling me
Hey guys princessprt here and I wanted to talk to you guys over YouTube content. Basically from what I've seen 75% of my viewers aren't subscribed to my YouTube channel. I also found out that you guys want me to do more videos on geniverse and videos similar to why chocolate milk should be in school. Alot of you guys wanted more assassin's of Steve. So here's the deal how about while we figure out how to get the server to run it without problems we do speedruns of it. It'll be helpful. So I will attempt to get it done. So anyway I will see you guys later!
Hey guys princessprt here and I wanted to let you know that currently I'm working on redesigning on some of the websites I'm on. Currently updating and working on my patreon page. I'm gonna work a week on each social thing I'm on to try and improve. I will attempt to keep the video schedule up. Once everything is done I'm going to try and be more active and actually get more stuff done. Anyway I will see you guys later!
G2A Goldmine
Anyway the concept of G2A Goldmine is where you give links and you can earn money to. Anyway i will see you guys later. Enjoy G2A and G2A Goldmine!